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Unable to play flash videos
well you are going to have to provide more information, dir structure, rewrite sample, what you have already tried.

Sounds like you just have your files in the wrong place, or behind a htaccess deny rule.
You are not putting public xml files in data folders are you ? Those are protected for internal core xml files.
The only GS folders that are public are uploads/ and theme/(aside from the xml blocking rule) and any other folders you create of course.

There are examples on the forum of how to put gs in a subdirectory, that might help.

I dont know what pieces you are putting in the cms. These are static pages you have shown.
You have to put the proper paths if you are moving assets to public folders like uploads or theme folders.

you dont need to be a developer, but some hosting skills and familiarity with permissions and htaccess are requried for custom stuff like you are doing. There are a dozen reasons for a 403. this stuff really has nothing to do with GS or a CMS in general but your hosting config.

personally I put my own static stuff outside of gs in other subfolders directly in root.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Messages In This Thread
Unable to play flash videos - by - 2014-07-25, 06:40:00
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-25, 06:43:05
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-25, 07:43:31
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-25, 07:48:14
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-30, 06:23:31
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-31, 00:21:08
RE: Unable to play flash videos - by shawn_a - 2014-07-31, 02:42:30

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