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SOLVED Changes are not saved
Hello all,
I am new to get-simple and I am loving it so far, although I must have done something silly that messed up with get-simple.

I am using get-simple 3.3.0, I18N plugins (Base, CustomFields) and I am modifying the Cardinal template.
Everything was going fine until I created a second page template.

The moment I wanted to apply it to the index page, I noticed that the change was never saved (despite the success message displayed on top).
If I apply the second page template to another page (not index) the change is saved.

Furthermore, I tried to delete/add components but whatever change I make is never saved (again despite the success message displayed on top). This means that the moment I save, I see a success message, but the components I deleted re-appear and those I added disappear.

I tried cleaning the cache in /data/cache by removing all files (except the .htaccess) without success.

Website Health Check says that everything is okay.

Can you please help me out in understanding what I might have done wrong?

Any hint is very much appreciated!

Messages In This Thread
Changes are not saved - by zxxz - 2014-08-24, 03:41:50
RE: Changes are not saved - by shawn_a - 2014-08-24, 05:27:14
RE: Changes are not saved - by zxxz - 2014-08-24, 23:49:33
RE: Changes are not saved - by shawn_a - 2014-08-24, 23:59:13

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