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Crawling Issue with Fancy URL..
I've built a site in Get Simple and I'm noticing an indexing issue with the URLs. It's hard to explain but i'll do my best. is indexed in google however each of these pages is a direct page of it's own. and are the correct url's but when I ran an xml sitemap I saw it indexed all the pages at but then indexed all the pages again under and then repeated this for every single page.

The working example would be you have home, about us, services, contact us

so it indexes home, about us, services, contact us

and then indexes

about us/about us
about us/services
about us/contact us

THEN it indexes

services/about us
services/contact us

THEN it indexes

contact us/about us
contact us/services
contact us/contact us

Except now picture this with 48 pages all doing this. Nothing tells anything crawling the site that a non page actually doesn't exist every URL you create will show a page, there is no 404 not found error ever.. How can this be stopped as it's affected indexing and rankings for SEO.

Messages In This Thread
Crawling Issue with Fancy URL.. - by sweetcell - 2014-09-06, 06:10:09
RE: Crawling Issue with Fancy URL.. - by shawn_a - 2014-09-06, 07:11:19
RE: Crawling Issue with Fancy URL.. - by shawn_a - 2014-09-06, 07:30:41

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