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What programs do you use to development?
My coding software history software could look something like that through ages :
FrontPages/Dreamweaver (looongAgo) > WebExpert3 > Eclipse > Aptana > NetBeans > Notepad++ > ... than now :

- xUbuntu for the desktop
- ArchLinux on an old laptop
- Android on mobile devices

- Sublime Text3 // The basecamp
- Brackets // Sometimes for quick looks
- Mousepad // For real quick looks
- VIM // When in the Terminal

- Bit Bucket // For my private repos
- Github // Well, like everybody
- The rest is happening in the console

Considering PHP but also the M.E.A.N Stack, i'm also spending time in the terminal for stuff like :
Composer, Grunt/Gulp, NPM, Bower, Yeoman, ...

Diving actually into it, PHPUnit and on the JS side : Jasmine, etc.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What programs do you use to development? - by AndreiCurelaru - 2014-10-20, 02:59:12
What programs do you use to development? - by sal - 2010-03-23, 16:34:04

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