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SOLVED File uploads from the backend fail with files > 5 kb
Hi Hameau.

Quote:Is it coincidence that you have set a limit of 50M but you are seeing an actual limit of 5k?

Rather a coincidence: When I started, I had default values set in the php.ini (e.g. 2MB max size for uploads, etc.). Then I increased values according to what I found on the net. The limit where uploads failed remained the same, approx. 5kb.

Quote:Is there a reason for running Apache with mod-apache2filter instead of mod-php5? (Sorry if that's Apache 2.4 specific – I haven't worked with that version.)

This question led me to the solution of my problem: Actually, I vaguely remember wondering in december why I had an empty /etc/php5/apache2 folder and a php.ini in /etc/php5/apache2filter. I have been testing CMSs for my own dormant website on and off for quite a while, starting again in December, this time looking for a specific solution for two small websites where I want a friend and a non-profit to be able to edit their own websites without any HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge and without being IT pros. I guess there must once have been some CMS that asked for php5filter. - The simple solution was:
  • remove libapache2-mod-php5filter
  • install libapache2-mod-php5

I checked without setting up any php.ini at first, right after exiting aptitude.
Uploading files worked nicely (default limit 2MB).
Then I copied my php.ini to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, did a

service apache2 restart

for the changes to take effect, checked with phpinfo(); - and voilà: I can upload larger files again (so far, the largest I tried was a couple of MB, but I trust my settings and mod-php now. Big Grin

Thank you for your help!

Messages In This Thread
libapache2-mod-php5filter was the culprit! - by WerWieWas - 2015-01-16, 07:40:31

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