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PROBLEM customizing theme
Hi guys. I'm customizing the fantastic Iridium theme (and yes, I've tried posing my question to its creator, but they haven't responded in days and I need this done asap) and I'm having trouble understanding why I'm having problems pruning the template down to my needs. I've managed to inelegantly hide the navbar and title through css, and comment out the footer and featured content sections without much fuss. But this...

Namely, the theme supports this feature:
Quote:Index page ('index' slug) has a bigger head banner automatically, no need to have a separate template.
I want them uniform across the site, and the kind developer already answered that question beforehand:

Quote:You need to change line 16 in template files (template.php, template-no-sidebar.php and template-sidebar-left.php)
<body id="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" <?php if (return_page_slug()=='index') echo 'class="homepage"'; ?>>

If you want a big banner on all pages, change it to:
<body id="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" class="homepage">

If you want a smaller banner on all pages, change it to:
<body id="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>">

However, no matter what I did and how I followed the instructions, I can't get it to show the smaller versions. The sad thing is that I was yesterday trying to make them all be as big as the index one and it also wouldn't work. Then all of a sudden it did. Now I need all of them small, or even non-existent. Sad

Regarding removal of the entire header area, I've even tried doing that, but I'm only moderately code-literate, so I've merely commented out the <header> sections in the main template and this resulted in absolutely nothing happening. How can that be? Where does the site get the header info if I delete the entire <header> tag from the index.php? If this was pure html/css I wouldn't be having this problem, I feel. SO please help me understand how to solve this.

Worth noting, Iridium is all in php hooks, so all functionality is in separate files, several css for responsiveness, head, footer, feature content are separate php files etc.

Messages In This Thread
customizing theme - by Shooree - 2015-02-01, 20:45:14
RE: customizing theme - by shawn_a - 2015-02-02, 00:46:00
RE: customizing theme - by shawn_a - 2015-02-02, 00:59:54
RE: customizing theme - by Shooree - 2015-02-02, 02:19:53
RE: customizing theme - by sashozs - 2015-02-03, 12:23:47
RE: customizing theme - by shawn_a - 2015-02-02, 02:28:33

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