2015-04-07, 05:21:58
Upload to extend new version of contact form v6.
The most important features is that:
- there is a setting file in /cbcontact/ (cbcontact_cfg.php) with 4 mains variables that uses the Contact form.
1) $cbfcaptcha, Boolean,
* true = Use Captcha,
* false = Don’t use Captcha,
2) $cbfsendphpmail, Boolean,
* true = send mail with PHPMailer class,
* false = with the php fn mail()
3) $cbfdisplay_jsalert, Boolean; after a send
* true = display an alert box with a message that will be a success or error message.
* false = display a message (success or error) before of contact form.
4) $cbfnotification, Boolean;
* true = display in contact form a check box if you want to receive a notification email
* false = Don't display check box in contact form
- The contact form must be called so:
* In content of a page with a short code:
(% cbcontact user or email,false,user or email,user or email %)
* in template with a php funtion:
< ?php cbcontact_page('nameofuser or email', true,'user or email', 'user or email'); ?>
without spaces between < and ?
- The form has a Notification system to whom sends the contact form.
- Fixed small bugs....
The most important features is that:
- there is a setting file in /cbcontact/ (cbcontact_cfg.php) with 4 mains variables that uses the Contact form.
1) $cbfcaptcha, Boolean,
* true = Use Captcha,
* false = Don’t use Captcha,
2) $cbfsendphpmail, Boolean,
* true = send mail with PHPMailer class,
* false = with the php fn mail()
3) $cbfdisplay_jsalert, Boolean; after a send
* true = display an alert box with a message that will be a success or error message.
* false = display a message (success or error) before of contact form.
4) $cbfnotification, Boolean;
* true = display in contact form a check box if you want to receive a notification email
* false = Don't display check box in contact form
- The contact form must be called so:
* In content of a page with a short code:
(% cbcontact user or email,false,user or email,user or email %)
* in template with a php funtion:
< ?php cbcontact_page('nameofuser or email', true,'user or email', 'user or email'); ?>
without spaces between < and ?
- The form has a Notification system to whom sends the contact form.
- Fixed small bugs....