(2015-03-15, 03:51:33)shawn_a Wrote: Title and Name mean the same thing.
Its a bit confusing as to which one is the ID for referencing.
Also are IDs case sensitive?
I still have wrong filepaths, ill test on a fresh install.
Again where exactly are the thumbs supposed to be ?
Title is something different that name. Use title to store gallery title that you can show on webpage. Name is and gallery ID or unique identificator.
It works the same as in 18n gallery plugin.
You have to pass gallery name to eg_return_gallery function as a first parameter
Read in plugin description here: http://get-simple.info/extend/plugin/extra-gallery/858/
It's case sensitive.
Thumb are stored in /data/ExtraGallery/thumbs dir.
http://flexphperia.net - my portfolio