2015-10-02, 03:31:36
Hi ross104,
I have seen this. The are 2 problems:
1) "Ms" => 'Кілька слів про осебе...',
this is better to put so, for example:
"Ms" => 'слів',
"Ms_ms" => 'Кілька слів про осебе...',
then you must modify the form in plugins>cbcontact>form/cbcontact.php. The part of message:
2) In plugins>cbcontact>checksubmit.php, you must substitue line +- 128:
$cdata = $thislog->addChild(clean_url($key));
$cdata = $thislog->addChild(($key));
Please you must test this...
Delete first the log that is in /data/other/logs/cbcontactform.log
I have seen this. The are 2 problems:
1) "Ms" => 'Кілька слів про осебе...',
this is better to put so, for example:
"Ms" => 'слів',
"Ms_ms" => 'Кілька слів про осебе...',
then you must modify the form in plugins>cbcontact>form/cbcontact.php. The part of message:
$cbcontactform .= '<br />';
$cbcontactform .= '<textarea onblur="if (this.value == "") {this.value = "(*)'.i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms_ms').'"}" onfocus="if(this.value == "(*)'.i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms_ms').'") {this.value = ""}" name="contact['.i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms').']">';
if ($fields[i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms')] != "") {
$cbcontactform .= $fields[i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms')];
} else {
$cbcontactform .= '(*)'.i18n_r('cbcontact/Ms_ms');
$cbcontactform .= '</textarea>'."\n";
2) In plugins>cbcontact>checksubmit.php, you must substitue line +- 128:
$cdata = $thislog->addChild(clean_url($key));
$cdata = $thislog->addChild(($key));
Please you must test this...
Delete first the log that is in /data/other/logs/cbcontactform.log