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disable acf in CKEditor
(2016-01-29, 11:58:00)shawn_a Wrote: I have some stuff to try, ill start testing.

Just so you know this is an irritation, but not a deal breaker.

As near as I can recall, this is the only real issue I have left with GS and I am happily using itĀ  - I can cheerfully live with it if necessary. I started with about 5-6 major issues a month ago and you and others slowly whittled away at each of them - now we are down to one and it isn't that big.

The only problem I run into is if I forget to switch to source view... it can blow everything up. After having that happen every once in a while, I remember pretty good for a few days.

As far as stability and user support, you folks are doing quite a bit better than most commercial paid programs - I and others are very appreciative of the hard work and quick response times.

Quick story...
Right after Aerobus made their first fully automated 525 seat A380 computer flight control system, they sent their test pilot to a airshow to show it off with a fly by. Aerobus had announced that aviation was entering a new era and would be virtually accident free because computers would prevent human error. The pilot put the airplane in "landing" mode, lowered flaps and gear, and lazily flew past the awe struck crowed just a few feet above the runway. As he came near the end of the field, he pushed the throttles full forward, the computer refused the command because it thought he was trying to takeoff and it decided there was not enough runway for a takeoff. The aircraft majestically glided into the tall trees at the end of the runway. The closest theĀ pilot ever got to a funeral was the spectacular fiery $30 million dollar public cremation that followed. The moral of the story is "...there are always unintended consequences when we allow a computer to over ride human operators". (And most people would rather die from their own mistakes, then from one made by a computer!)

Messages In This Thread
disable acf in CKEditor - by wdburgdorf - 2016-01-26, 23:47:42
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-27, 01:55:34
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-27, 09:52:48
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-27, 10:01:08
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by wdburgdorf - 2016-01-28, 07:13:59
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-28, 08:49:20
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by wdburgdorf - 2016-01-28, 07:23:17
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by wdburgdorf - 2016-01-28, 07:49:04
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-28, 12:23:22
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-28, 11:07:17
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-28, 11:08:49
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-28, 12:29:23
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by wdburgdorf - 2016-01-28, 20:34:27
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by datiswous - 2016-01-29, 03:29:39
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 07:49:12
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-29, 09:19:32
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by datiswous - 2016-04-19, 20:40:07
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 08:01:14
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 08:12:08
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 08:35:01
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-29, 09:07:37
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 08:57:48
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 11:46:55
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 11:58:00
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-29, 12:10:31
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-01-29, 13:03:05
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-01-29, 15:48:36
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-02-01, 00:12:02
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-02-01, 12:46:00
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-02-02, 00:07:56
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by jwzumwalt - 2016-02-02, 15:30:35
RE: disable acf in CKEditor - by shawn_a - 2016-04-20, 00:08:15

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