(2016-02-23, 18:38:27)Charpy Wrote: CSRF detected!
I also have this happen once or twice in a 6-10hr period of intensely editing my GS site.
Here is what is happening:
"CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into submitting a malicious request. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious Web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user's Web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated."
1) At the very least, the browser has made a mistake or corrupted the request being sent to the server and the server thinks your browser has been hijacked. This might happen with something as simple as a corrupt CRC checksum error.
2) At the worst, you have a rogue program that is adding material to what your browser is sending from your computer, or outside your computer a sniffer program has edited packets of information you have sent.
If this is an actual malicious attack, this type of attack can only send information, it has no way of receiving information - - so what it will do is send a link to be clicked on or something like that (This is what the server thinks is happening so it refuses the page you just sent).
My experience has been, if this error occurs you will loose all of your edited material. So, if I have done extensive editing, I first copy the whole page to the clip board by doing this: I switch to [source] view, do a ctrl-a (select all), then ctrl-c (copy-all) then hit the send/update button. If the error occurs, hit the back button, goto [source] view and press ctrl-a (select all), ctrl-v (insert) and hit the send/update again.