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Responsive images in content
I am using GS 3.3.8 and Timbows -Grill theme which comes across very responsive on my old Ipod, except for the image on the homepage.

I have tried to test it with several online responsive tests and it comes up blank.

So I have 2 questions.

How can I get the image to be responsive and I wonder why the tests don't work for this site?

Thank you for you time

Messages In This Thread
Responsive images in content - by RandyC - 2016-03-21, 06:14:38
RE: Responsive images in content - by datiswous - 2016-03-21, 09:25:54
RE: Responsive images in content - by Timbow - 2016-03-21, 10:21:25
RE: Responsive images in content - by Ampersand - 2016-03-22, 04:18:36
RE: Responsive images in content - by RandyC - 2016-03-23, 04:12:56
RE: Responsive images in content - by Oleg06 - 2016-03-23, 19:22:25
RE: Responsive images in content - by RandyC - 2016-03-24, 00:17:03

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