2016-04-13, 18:33:48
(2014-06-16, 05:44:48)mackur Wrote: Hello,
Do you know how can I change plugin to browse one folder per one page, second folder for second page? It is possible?
Best regards,
Maciej Kurzak
(2016-04-12, 08:40:42)Charpy1 Wrote: Just to mention this usefull script which can also be used : http://www.directorylister.com/Thanks for the link, I will test that. As I understand directorylister will allow you to expose an accessible folder of files through the use of a index.php file that reads the files and creates a list.
What I would like to do is have a certain page display a list of files residing somewhere on the server.
E.g. Page A shows list of files residing in Folder A.
User accesses Page A and can see list of files, downloading a file will be a deeper link of Page A:
website/somesecuredpartofwebsite/PageA/file.xyz (file accessible and downloadable from this link, after secure login)
Files actually resides in Folder A:
website/uploads/FolderA/file.zyx (not directly accessible)
Does that make sense and any ideas of how to achieve it?