2016-04-29, 23:14:52
Yeah like i said.. how? lol
ckeditor is the only change in 3.3.9, so i have no idea how that would affect this other stuff.
There was some support code added that adjusts the editoroptions global, that could break something i suppose, but without details of what this plugin does or if it does any kludgy stuff or if you didn't actually use the plugin or save anything.
If you can reproduce that would be great, is this with a new plugin, or the exsting plugin with existing settings saved ?
did it only jack up your editor options settings?
ckeditor is the only change in 3.3.9, so i have no idea how that would affect this other stuff.
There was some support code added that adjusts the editoroptions global, that could break something i suppose, but without details of what this plugin does or if it does any kludgy stuff or if you didn't actually use the plugin or save anything.
If you can reproduce that would be great, is this with a new plugin, or the exsting plugin with existing settings saved ?
did it only jack up your editor options settings?