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[Solved] changedata.php download instead of page update...
I have no idea why the server is sending a 200 like that I would ask my host or check host error logs.
Truly bizarre, can you identify anything special about the 4 pages that do not work?

Scripts tags ? Code snippets?

Mod sec is a apache filter that detects xss injections among other things.
Since you are posting of form and that forms contents are getting back sent back to you it thinks you've successfully injected code which is exactly what we want to do a CMS modify html code and have it come back.

Someone once mentioned having quotes in your content causes this, but it could be any pattern a security filter detects. Of course it could be something else entirely like a timeout or your server has locked files or who knows.

What is the server running?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Messages In This Thread
RE: changedata.php download instead of page update... - by shawn_a - 2016-08-12, 07:11:24

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