OK, the last quesion was silly - in order to use "tags" as CSS-class they have to be in lowercase sparated by " ", with nothing wrapped around it.
Nevertheless I tried a quick and dirty solution for the <span> output (line 220):
By the way: Maybe there's an issue with "$tagseparator" (I assume this shall be included in (original) line 225)
I've set an individual separator in "News Manager Settings", this is visible in the standard news-manager output but not in the custom output.
Best regards!
Nevertheless I tried a quick and dirty solution for the <span> output (line 220):
PHP Code:
if ($showtags) {
$tags = strip_decode($post->tags);
if (!empty($tags)) {
if (function_exists('nm_lowercase_tags')) // NM 3.0+
$tags = nm_lowercase_tags($tags);
$tags = explode(",", $tags);
$tags = "<span>".implode('</span><span>', $tags)."</span>";
$str = str_replace('{{ post_tags }}', ($tags), $str);
} ...
By the way: Maybe there's an issue with "$tagseparator" (I assume this shall be included in (original) line 225)
I've set an individual separator in "News Manager Settings", this is visible in the standard news-manager output but not in the custom output.
Best regards!