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Questions after installation - Tabs & Paths
(2019-01-21, 22:36:25)newdeepdan Wrote: Looking at the 'Foundation' theme's 'template.php' file, you can see in the header the stylesheets are linked externally and not locally. So you would need to either download those stylesheets locally, edit them, then replace the stylesheet links with the local link ones, upload, and there go you. The other option is to just create a separate stylesheet with your edits and add it to the template file head. Don't know why that's hard to understand if you've worked with any CMS within the last 7-8 years. And knowing what your background is with previous CMS helps to assist by transferring your understanding of that particular CMS to something you're not familiar with.

Thanks. I realized this eventually too. This whole thing is turning into too much effort for me. I'm really extremely short on time, this was an extra that I needed to be able to implement more or less "instantly" by simply adding 2 or 3 image and size related tweaks to a page/file or two, and that's it.

Too me, simple means ... no brainer. Dolphin was all drag & drop, totally different and to me much easier to work with than get-simple. Click on add image, click on location on page ... header/footer/left/right/all .... click save ... done, all with drag/drop/import settings. There were multiple css files too if you preferred making a lot of changes there for font colors/sizes, features of individual modules from the front end, and even one short one for global changes across the board. Those css files were commented like you wouldn't believe, it was practically impossible to do anything wrong with all of the detailed instructions. Dolphin's about 50x larger than what I was looking for as a simple site enhancement this time around. Really not suitable for what I have in mind.

I understand that it's free software with some fiddling required, but I wasn't expecting for the theme not to have all of the files which are pertinent to that theme ... not to be included ??? I'm also not used to themes receiving their functions from external sources, that's totally new territory for me. I thought that I'd ask a question, get told to go here and here and insert that and that, finished ... all within the same 24 hour time frame, nice & simple. Wink

It's all getting a little too time consuming for me, probably my fault for lack of proper expression. Ah well. I might check back at a later time when I actually have more time on my hands. Right now I'm just strapped too thin, to dive into this "GetSimple" project. Spent way too much with with this already. Thanks a bunch for all of the answers. Have a great week.

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RE: Questions after installation - Tabs & Paths - by CompuBlog - 2019-01-22, 00:52:00

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