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Ideal .htaccess file for GS. Help please
yojoe Wrote:marrco: using cache expire for files is really so useful ?

It's not just about cache expire, it's also trying to lower http requests. Unsetting Etags and last-modified is to tell your browser NOT to ask if the file has changed (and receive a 403), but to just use the cached version.

Only drawback is that you have to use versioning for static files, (ie. when you change an image change the name too, or just add a 'version number' like in logo_03.png)

I'm not sure it works as intended with GS, still doing some test, but that's my goal. (quite different that the one Zegnåt discussed). It's based on yslow and google page speed suggestions.

but do your tests!

Messages In This Thread
Ideal .htaccess file for GS. Help please - by marrco - 2010-09-27, 02:19:03

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