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Zegnåt’s multi-level navigation. ‘Menu Master.’ (version 3., 20100519)
Can this plugin be used to create navigation more than two levels deep?

I am trying to create a menu like this:

Parent 1
- child 1
- child 2
- child a
- child b
- child 3
Parent 2
- child 1
- child 2

I have created the parent level and first level of children, but I am at a loss as to how to add the third level of navigation (child a & child b). In GS 'admin>page>page options' when I create a new page it only gives me the option to set the new page's parent as one of the top level pages (Parent 1, Parent 2) etc.

Is there an easy way to do this?

(Apologies if I have missed something obvious, or if this have been covered already in a thread I have missed).

Messages In This Thread
Zegnåt’s multi-level navigation. ‘Menu Master.’ (version 3., 20100519) - by Will - 2010-10-01, 20:40:04

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