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Website Name with WAMP?
Right, boys and girls here's the dope (not the one in the mirror, no).

I'm doing this using WAMP2 server so things are a bit different than a straight FTP. To get GetSimple set up you need to grasp a couple of things. Firstly, a basic working knowledge of WAMP2 server (always have the latest version of everything you can get); tagbytag(dot)org can help there. Once you've got that up and running and made sure that PHP is working (by navigating to: http://localhost/?phpinfo=1), you can go ahead and install GetSimple.

Once you've downloaded and unzipped the latest version, place a copy in C:/wamp/www/cms/getsimple/ (www is your localhost root folder), you might need to tweak a few things. Remember to keep the original folder somewhere safe; you might need to do this more than once (which is only going to make you better at it).

There might be a couple of extensions (add-ons) that GetSimple will tell you are missing (with me it was cURL and rewrite_module). To locate cURL (php_curl) go to: WAMP2 server (on the taskbar), click on PHP> PHP extensions> and right near the top you should see "php_curl". Tick it to activate it. Don't wait for it to do anything, just move on. Next might be the rewrite_module which can be found in WAMP2 server> Apache> Apache modules> and near the bottom (they're kind of in alphabetical order) you'll find and tick "rewrite_module". That should get you up and running. By the way, a good explanation of the connection between the rewrite_module and a Fancy URL is to be found at Fancy URLs and slugs

One more thing. Enable debug mode. Instructions for doing that can be found above in Chris's post number 7. It's not as complicated as it might appear and it will save you having to commit hara kiri on the lounge floor.

My thanks again to all at GetSimple for the time and effort taken to help me while I blundered around blindly.

Now, let's go have some fun!

Messages In This Thread
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-04, 03:15:33
Website Name with WAMP? - by JWH_Matthew - 2010-10-04, 03:23:13
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-04, 03:47:39
Website Name with WAMP? - by Zegnåt - 2010-10-04, 04:46:00
Website Name with WAMP? - by JWH_Matthew - 2010-10-04, 10:56:17
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-04, 23:09:48
Website Name with WAMP? - by ccagle8 - 2010-10-06, 03:09:59
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-06, 07:09:36
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-06, 16:44:18
Website Name with WAMP? - by Galen777 - 2010-10-07, 06:53:58

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