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QUESTION Newbie asking for tags and categories, posts
If someone reads this in future, i recommend using several plug ins :
DynPages (for php in page)
News Manager (updated)
News Manager Addons

Then you can do a lot of things :

for instance, I am able to create a page "how to learn latin languages"

<h1>how to learn latin languages</h1>

<p>information text</p>

<h2>french language</h2>
<p>information text</p>
<?php nm_list_recent_by_tag('french', 5); ?>

<h2>spanish language</h2>
<p>information text</p>
<?php nm_list_recent_by_tag('spanish', 7); ?>

<h2>italian language</h2>
<p>information text</p>
<?php nm_list_recent_by_tag('italian', 3); ?>

This is very flexible and very seo friendly.
I cannot do it with wordpress but with GS I can Wink (i am sure it is also possible with WP).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Newbie asking for tags and categories, posts - by pablito - 2020-05-02, 00:50:25

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