2020-07-11, 07:04:27
Quote:please define bloatware
Yes let's define bloatware here.
uikit.min.js is around 130 kb
why would I load a 130 kb library and then only need 5% of it's classes for a website ?
Or lose time to find out how to recompile uikit for only the classes I would need ?
Lets code some uikit in a html layout:
class="uk-width-auto@m uk-nav uk-navbar-container uk-grid-small uk-height-medium uk-column-1-3 uk-width-1-2 . . . ."
really ??
not even talking about how much time it would need to learn all uikit's classes
uikit, bootstrap, etc, are only useful for coding conformity in a team of coders
one man shows and freelancers will certainly choose something bloat free, super flexible and fast
like: https://arnaudleray.github.io/pocketgrid/
But if you really want a kick-ass css framework that blows all the rest out of the water: