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someone has to write the normal functioning plugin news-blog?
Oleg06 Wrote:Unfortunately my provider wrote to me that moving to another server and have not even shop again broke, but I'll try :-)

Hi there. Here is the newest version. This can be used as a blogging AND news system.
In the settings area it will show what you can use where.

You can find it under Pages -> Dominion Blog

Let me know if this is what you are looking for, remember that you can do some changes with the CSS under settings, I will add row counts etc later on,.. just need to get the basics right first.


FILE HAS been removed - Please look at last posts for latest file
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.

Messages In This Thread
someone has to write the normal functioning plugin news-blog? - by dominionit - 2010-10-14, 05:14:55

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