It's in admin/upload.php - if you seach there for 'mtime' (there is only one occurence), you'll find the location which has been changed by fix #821 in 3.3.3. If you search for 'ctime', you'll find another location which should have been changed (also or instead), I think. The first is for directories, the second for files. Before 3.3.3, both positions were set to 'ctime'.
Here is the relevant code snippet:
Here is the relevant code snippet:
<?php include('template/include-nav.php'); ?>
<div class="bodycontent clearfix">
$dirsArray[$dircount]['date'] = @date('M j, Y',$ss['mtime']);
} else {
$filesArray[$count]['name'] = $file;
$ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1);
$extention = get_FileType($ext);
$filesArray[$count]['type'] = $extention;
$ss = @stat($path . $file);
$filesArray[$count]['date'] = @date('M j, Y',$ss['ctime']);
$filesArray[$count]['size'] = fSize($ss['size']);
$totalsize = $totalsize + $ss['size'];