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p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages
yojoe Wrote:the captcha doesn't want to work. Every time I rewrite the code from img, I'm being told it's wrong :\
Will be fixed on 0.9.1, thanks.

yojoe Wrote:V 8.3 didn't want to show captcha on siblings (turning off parent/ in link solved it partially)
I don't understand what siblings/parents do you mean. :?

yojoe Wrote:I see that you switched to object programming - for me it's bad, as I never understood object oriented programming, although I'm specialized in lisp language Wink
Yeah, since 0.8. It was needed to be serious and go further.

yojoe Wrote:Structure of files in the tree has changed as well.
It's relative to script separation from GetSimple :
p01-contact (all the content of the folder p01contact) is a standard php script who can be used anywhere. p01-contact_gs.php is the handle who make the link with GetSimple.

yojoe Wrote:In 8.3 it wasn't good, but in 0.9 it's just bad.
It contains too many divs*. I'd like to at least try to prepare a simple structure based on styles, because styling forms in current mode (v9 & 8.3) makes me wanna throw my keyboard away.
This many-div structure is used to permit any styling : table-like, page-flow, etc...
If you have a better structure to provide, It's with pleasure.

yojoe Wrote:But it's nice that you have put errors (required field notification) inside labels.
Having this on mind, plugin has to offer own/custom label names, to create question fields.
The first one respond to the second one. I have write an example precisely on answer/response : Unknown fields types

yojoe Wrote:I said it earlier, but I'd like to discuss the future of P01 contact.
It's an awesome plugin, and every version brings new features. It evolves into a more advanced contact form, but still being very easy to use in its basic form.
With current features it's going to be almost perfectly suited to offer more than only creation of webcontact forms, and is close to offer something like surveys of form to mails (like sites similar to being very easy to create and manage.
And the most important: it doesn't require programming knowledge. Those who doesn't know webforms is a real pain during creation.
Thanks you again yojoe.
Maybe, in version... 47, this script will be integrated in GetSimple editor with visual edition, etc... (to avoid waiting, I add that I would have probably not that in my lifetime :p)

yojoe Wrote:Hidden fields are required too, as having many forms on own site can make it hard to distinguish which form was used.
And such hidden fields would come in handy, to get something like an own comment in sent message.
Good idea, noted.

yojoe Wrote:I've changed couple things in v 8.3 to get exact path in sent message, as well as date format, to know which contact form has been used. But I assume you have fixed this in v9. If not, I'll try to test it as soon as
The sender page path is linked in the mail footer since 0.8 : email screenshot.
For date, I'm not sure to let it in 1.0 : date format depend to many things, and it's server time. Mail readers show better than i can do the sent time.

yojoe Wrote:With above's quite big update, you'd have to prepare couple additional examples.
I will.

yojoe Wrote:A side note: it's painful to use options such as ..., text => text field content, ... as " > " is being sometimes converted to entity, making the form to be parsed as a normal text.
I've turned off entities but I have no idea if it won't happen again.
The parser is designed for html entities, because you are right GetSimple converts on the fly.
So, as an user, you normally haven't to worry about it.

yojoe Wrote:
p01 Wrote:(if someone know if it's possible to get the absolute url -not server path- to a specific file -not the running one-, i'm interrested!)
I'll have to look at it a little bit more, as I think it's just about to create a useful variable.
Or maybe just taking the uri of the page, and pass it to variable containing path.
Zegnåt Wrote:
global $SITEURL;
$p01contact->securimage_url = $SITEURL.'plugins/p01-contact/captcha/';
I don't mean the site/page url, but a file url. Like...
/*server path of the file containing it.
Not the includer/running file, the container file. */
...but for url. Logically it's not possible.

Your proposition works for GetSimple Zegnåt, so I will content myself for now.

yojoe Wrote:Did you think about a way to send the mails through a smtp/pop3 mail account ?
phpmail will sooner or later die, as mail servers doesn't want to forward unauthenticated mails
Thank you for the info, I'll find out.

yojoe Wrote:this plug still forces the user to add page descrpition manually. Otherwise meta description contains used call structure .
I'ts still in todo list. This is one reason why i asked some jedi tricks.
Since 0.7 there it's indicated in documentation : howto use it as a getsimple plugin.

Oleg06 Wrote:I think the previous version was better Smile
Uh, hard statement.
There is encoding problems? Damn, nothing have been changed in encoding process...


As you have noticed (or not), my versioning is :
  • x : major release, like 1.0. Before 1.0 imperfections (compared to what is referred) are considered as normal.
  • x.y : minor release, like 0.9. Launch new functionalities and/or resolve several problems. Not considered as fully stable (not yet passed by you).
  • x.y.z : revision release, like 0.8.3. Correct bugs, improve systems, adjust things. Nothing important added. This is expected to be gradually stable.
So 0.9 branch will be slowly stable with revisions.

No one have an opinion about captcha interrogation in precedent post?

Thanks for your returns!

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