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[SOLVED] Requirements?

The Download page says that GS requires PHP 5.2+ and Apache. I'd like to check...
1. if GS really requires Apache, or if any PHP-capable web server will work (Lighttp, Nginx, etc.)
2. if any extra PHP modules are needed, or it'll work with a basic 5.2+ setup

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by littlebigman - 2010-11-19, 21:55:26
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by yojoe - 2010-11-19, 22:53:16
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by littlebigman - 2010-11-19, 23:04:04
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by yojoe - 2010-11-19, 23:19:04
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by littlebigman - 2010-11-22, 06:26:39
[SOLVED] Requirements? - by marrco - 2010-12-11, 07:57:22

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