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Security Problem
I follwed the security info on page: "" and now it wont accept my user name and password to login to admin.

Maybe im doing it wrong or something:

This is what i did:

1/ downloaded "gsconfig.php" to my desktop
2/ scrolled down to "#define('GSLOGINSALT', 'your_unique_phrase');"
3/ removed the"#" and replaced "your_unique_phrase" with the getsimple website API

4/ Then i scrolled down to:"#define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'your_new_salt_value_here');"
and repeated the process

i could do with some help please...Thankyou...

Messages In This Thread
Security Problem - by jona100 - 2011-01-22, 00:49:18
Security Problem - by NickC - 2011-01-27, 14:11:12
Security Problem - by ccagle8 - 2011-01-31, 13:14:04
Security Problem - by mayank - 2011-02-24, 16:36:05
Security Problem - by jona100 - 2011-03-31, 23:14:39
Security Problem - by beyerservice - 2011-04-07, 08:38:49
Security Problem - by beyerservice - 2011-04-10, 00:57:27
Security Problem - by yojoe - 2011-04-11, 11:47:47
Security Problem - by beyerservice - 2011-04-11, 21:01:17
Security Problem - by beyerservice - 2011-04-14, 00:39:32
Security Problem - by NickC - 2011-06-30, 12:58:49

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