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p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages
Is there any reason why this plugin wouldn't work with an email address with a .info extension? The admin email address for the GetSimple installation ends in .info. It works if I put any other email address in the configuration field. If I leave the field blank, or type in the .info email address the form reports that there is no recipient set. If I put the .info email address in the tag in the GetSimple template file the form says it's sent but the email never arrives. To test I put another email address in as an additional address in the template file. The form contents were delivered to this address and the headers showed it also sent to the .info address except that instead of .info it was .inf - so I'm thinking something in the script is truncating the extension. Help, please.

Messages In This Thread
askcopy syntax Not Working - by celextel - 2019-05-24, 01:54:40
RE: askcopy syntax Not Working - by celextel - 2019-05-28, 01:51:47
p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages - by stcwebdesigns - 2011-02-14, 08:14:15

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