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Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess
Hi Chris,

I must say I am a bit disappointed to see where the new site design is heading. After you rejected our design for the site, I was hoping you'd find another way to come up with a proper and professional layout, but what's going online looks very unprofessional and, in my opinion, reflects rather poorly on this great CMS.

I hope you don't mind me being blunt and I am not out to kick up a fuzz, but I you're really taking a step back with the new design instead of moving forward. If the site looked the way it does now when I first landed on it, I definitely wouldn't have downloaded the CMS.

Like I mentioned in our email conversations, I can completely relate to your urge to be involved in the site's design; but if you want GetSimple to make it big, you will need to be able to let go of certain things (we know this is hard) and focus on what's best for GetSimple ...

- Matt

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Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess - by getsimplethemes - 2011-03-04, 13:09:21

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