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Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess
Chris. new design for the website is looking good.

One thing that bothers me in the forum is, that there is no pagination at the bottom of the posts. Is this something that can be enabled? It's frustrating to have to go to the top of the page to go to the next page.

Also, regarding extend. I also had problems with markdown and the description of the plugin. Is there a way you can provide a preview or something, because the page seems to be cached, and I'm blindly editing without knowing how the description is going to look.

And again, keep up the great work. I'm a supported of GetSimple and believe in it. I think it's rock solid, and to the point!
- Julian

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Messages In This Thread
Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess - by juliancc - 2011-03-10, 02:29:28

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