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p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages
Thank you all for your participation.

The 0.4.2 is online :

Zegnåt Wrote:Some sort of encoding specification as mentioned in the ‘email encoding problem’ topic might solve this.
I had contacted him, like you see Smile

oscim Wrote:1 error php strict, the var $error, in function check_form_content, in p01-contact is not initialized.
Thanks, fixed.

oscim Wrote:2 in my page, I have just form, and i look source:
<meta name="description" content="(% contact : , nocaptcha, %)" />
Damn, i had not thought to GetSimple source scan... For now I don't know enough about the operation to avoid this.

oscim Wrote:For me, in lg ~130
//$forms_data[$form_id]['fields'] = stripslashes_r(htmlentities_r($_POST['contact']));
$forms_data[$form_id]['fields'] = stripslashes_r(($_POST['contact']));
yojoe Wrote:Get rid of function utf8_encode_r($array) and function htmlentities_r($array)
Or just don't call them at all in below variables
The htmlentities() function avoid XSS, script injections by converting risqued characters to html entities. It's a needed security operation.
But yes, there was indeed a problem here with the encoding of this function. And I tried to tinker with output, using utf8_encode (). But it was thus sufficient to force the charset as follows :
htmlentities($tmp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
So, it's working. Thank you both for trying.

Quote:I didn't get any "you were lucky to successfully send me an e-mail" info
It was a bug. Fixed.

oscim Wrote:PS , the sender did not have a copy ?
I did not implemented because it would be easy to spam.

oscim Wrote:The htaccess in pugin, block call captcha.
For fix, add htaccess in folder p01-contact/captcha
<Files securimage_show.php>
order allow,deny
allow from all
Oh, I thought I had added the htaccess in the previous update. But anyway I had not limited access, donc merci pour ça Wink

Messages In This Thread
askcopy syntax Not Working - by celextel - 2019-05-24, 01:54:40
RE: askcopy syntax Not Working - by celextel - 2019-05-28, 01:51:47
p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages - by p01 - 2010-10-13, 04:50:56

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