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Oh jes, get-simple is really very limited in this way, but if you neet a few static pages like in this website and simple structure I find this system useful.

Of course, I can give you code.

call this in your theme file to return menu:

<?php get_navigation_lang_specific(return_page_slug()); ?>

add this to functions.php:


    function get_navigation_lang_specific($currentpage) {
        global $PRETTYURLS;
        global $SITEURL;
        $menu = '';

        $path = GSDATAPAGESPATH;
        $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
        $filenames = array();
        while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
            $filenames[] = $filename;
        $pagesArray = array();
        if (count($filenames) != 0) {
            foreach ($filenames as $file) {
                if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || is_dir(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $file) || $file == ".htaccess"  ) {
                    // not a page data file
                } else {
                    $data = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $file);
                    if ($data->private != 'Y') {
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menuStatus'] = $data->menuStatus;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menuOrder'] = $data->menuOrder;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menu'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->menu, ENT_QUOTES));
                        $pagesArray[$count]['url'] = $data->url;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['title'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->title, ENT_QUOTES));
                        $pagesArray[$count]['parent'] = $data->parent;
        $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray,'menuOrder');
        if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) {
         global $sorted_nr;
            foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) {
                $sel = ''; $classes = '';
                $url_nav = $page['url'];
                $language = return_parent();
                if($page_slug==$links_slug) { $style="class=\"aktyvi-nuoroda\""; } else { $style=""; }
                if(($links_slug=="teisininkai" && $page_slug=="kristupas-kerutis") || ($links_slug=="lawyers" && $page_slug=="assistant-kristupas-kerutis") || ($links_slug=="2" && $page_slug=="2-kristupas-kerutis") || ($links_slug=="rechtsanwalte" && $page_slug=="assistenz-kristupas-kerutis") || ($links_slug=="prawnikow" && $page_slug=="asystent-kristupas-kerutis")) { $style="class=\"aktyvi-nuoroda\""; }
                     if($language=='en') { $kalbos='en'; $contacts='Contacts'; }
                else if($language=='lt') { $kalbos='lt'; $contacts='Kontaktai'; }
                else if($language=='ru') { $kalbos='ru'; $contacts='Связи'; }
                else if($language=='de') { $kalbos='de'; $contacts='Kontakt'; }
                else if($language=='po') { $kalbos='po'; $contacts='Kontakt'; }
                if ($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y' && $page['parent']==$kalbos) {
                    if($page_slug=="parasykite-mums" || $page_slug=="contact-us" || $page_slug=="7" ||$page_slug=="kontaktieren-sie-uns" || $page_slug=="kontakt-z-nami"  ) { $sorted_nr=5; }
                    if ("$currentpage" == "$url_nav") { $sorted_nr=$page['menuOrder'];
                    $classes = "current ". $url_nav; } else { $classes = $url_nav; }
                    if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; }
                    if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; }
                    $menu .= '<li '.$style.'><a href="' . find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']).'">'.$page['menu'].'</a></li>';
        echo $menu;

    function return_page_slug() {
        global $url;
        return $url;

function current_slug($url){
    $nr = 0;
    $delims = "/";
    $zodis = strtok($url,$delims);
            $zodis = strtok($delims);

        return $masyvas[$nrx];

    function return_page_slug() {
        global $url;
        return $url;

I think that's it... You should pay attention that in lawyers section there are some differences in page structure so i added some if's in code.

And sorry for nasty code -- i'm just learning... :-)

weblogic Wrote:Oh, I see. I thought you might be using custom fields as described in this thread:

Your approach sounds smart to me as well, as long as you don't need "visible children" pages, because I believe GS only allows two levels and all your pages are already children of 'en', 'ru', etc.

Anyway, I am trying to figure out how to make a multilingual site for myself with GS, but I am not a coder, so I don't know how to proceed... Not sure if I am asking too much but, would you mind to share your code?

Thanks! -- web design and development

Messages In This Thread - lawyer's website - by apelsinas - 2010-10-19, 01:16:22

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