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Support for multilanguage sites, Internationalization (I18N)
Ok. You hava a point in there, but that does not fix my problem.
Maby there shoud be another tag, "display in topmenu" and function that shows every page that has menuStatus = Y

For my purpose I've made that:
function get_i18n_topmenu(){
//     Wyświetla menu z całej strony i sortuje je według kolejności pojawienia na liście w backendzie

    $children = return_i18n_pages();
    foreach ($children as $child){
        if ( isset($child ['menuStatus']) && $child ['menuStatus'] == 'Y'){
                $dane[] = array('url' => $child ['url'], 'order' => $child['menuOrder']);

//     Zmiana kolumn na wiersze dla funkcji array_multisort();
    foreach ($dane as $klucz => $wiersz){
        $url[$klucz] =  $wiersz['url'];
        $order[$klucz] = $wiersz['order'];
    array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC,$dane);

//     Stworzenie posortowanego menu
    foreach ($dane as $slug){
    echo '<li>';
    echo '</li>';

And modyfied: get_i18n_link():
function get_i18n_link($slug) {
  $data = return_i18n_page_data($slug);
[b]  if ($data->menu == '')
  $url_name = $data->title;
  $url_name = $data->menu;[/b]
  if (!$data) return false;
  echo '<a href="'.find_url($slug,(string) $data->parent).'">'.stripslashes((string) [b]$url_name[/b]).'</a>';
  return true;

This function displays and sort menu items. modyfication of get_i18n_link allows to show page menu name (if any) or shows page title (old behavior).

Messages In This Thread
rewrite language problem - by tomkop - 2013-03-27, 06:34:44
Enhancement suggestion - by hameau - 2013-05-12, 04:17:12
Enhancement request - by hameau - 2013-06-14, 20:02:07
RE: Enhancement request - by mvlcek - 2013-06-14, 22:04:12
RE: Enhancement request - by hameau - 2013-06-14, 23:01:36
Duplicate language cookies bug - by enzy - 2013-08-20, 07:03:26
RE: Duplicate language cookies bug - by ohayo - 2013-08-20, 18:12:25
Plugin is not shown - by tosho - 2013-09-15, 12:10:37
1000 pages limit in i18n_navigation - by titus - 2014-10-13, 21:58:36
Bug found - by lbarsov - 2014-10-17, 03:41:53
Menu with picture - by Dimi - 2015-04-28, 16:05:45
Rendering Menu in Component - by Alexander_ - 2016-05-04, 23:06:51
Meta desc for different languages - by Alexander_ - 2017-02-14, 20:29:32
Hierarchical Menus - by celextel - 2019-07-26, 16:41:47
Ri18n_navigation - by celextel - 2021-02-19, 16:07:48
Support for multilanguage sites, Internationalization (I18N) - by grs84pl - 2011-07-03, 04:13:01

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