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Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0
Updated patch v.06 file for GS 3.3.16 for php 7.4 - 8.1 compatibility.

This patch includes new updates as well as all previous updates.

GS-3.3.16-php-8.1-patch-v.06  (updated 2022-11-20)
  *Further 7.4-8.1 compatibility


  * Fixes bug in Components if none exist.
  * Fixed non numeric error on gsdebug.
  * Changed function name do to deprecated class constructor.
  * Missing php7 extension on file_ext_blacklist #1237


  * Fixes vulnerability #1335


  * Fix error message (empty log file) #1312 (

  *  Add .webp support for GetSimple CMS #1350 (

  *Further php7.x-8.x compatibility

  *8.x compatibility enhancements (all fixes mentioned in this thread to date)

Download Patch only.

To download a full version of GS 3.3.16 with the latest patches already applied, visit the Get Simple Community Edition page.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - by islander - 2022-10-05, 04:48:07

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