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Volunteering as a committer
Thank you for volunteering..

I know we are pretty strict about who we allow to commit to the core..

However you are welcome to attempt to fix any of the outstanding issues at the following link.

Then just post the fixes on the forum, and the developers will review them and
if they are valid fixes they can implement those changes.

You can also comment on the individual issues and create new issues.

After you have shown us a couple of your fixes, we will consider adding you as a submitter.

If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to respond to this thread
or email me directly at

I do not have the authority to add you as a contributer myself, but I can eventually get you
into contact with the appropriate people.

Thank you,
Matthew Phillips
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!

Messages In This Thread
Volunteering as a committer - by magik - 2012-08-30, 11:37:34
Volunteering as a committer - by Connie - 2012-08-30, 17:18:21
Volunteering as a committer - by JWH_Matthew - 2012-08-31, 02:09:23
Volunteering as a committer - by magik - 2012-08-31, 10:14:54

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