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Great CMS - thankyou
^ I would say GS needs some tutorials created. I know plugins are the big thing to work on right now, but if you don't know how to program, then creating detailed user tutorials would be great... especially if I could give it to my clients to learn from Smile
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?

Messages In This Thread
Great CMS - thankyou - by raydale - 2010-02-21, 21:10:38
Great CMS - thankyou - by ccagle8 - 2010-02-22, 00:58:46
Great CMS - thankyou - by raydale - 2010-02-22, 05:58:48
Great CMS - thankyou - by internet54 - 2010-02-22, 06:06:18
Great CMS - thankyou - by ccagle8 - 2010-02-22, 06:18:34
Great CMS - thankyou - by Zegnåt - 2010-02-22, 06:30:53
Great CMS - thankyou - by raydale - 2010-02-22, 06:48:51
Great CMS - thankyou - by ryanasr - 2011-05-16, 11:35:31

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