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How can I make a "drop down" navigation menu in the navigation bar?
Hi! I have just decided to use GetSimple CMS for my client's website, as it is a static page, and I don't need something complicated. So far I'm really liking it. I am currently working on converting my design to a theme, but I have run into a small problem. When I set up the website, I made a JQuery script to make a popup menu when the user hovers over the horizontal navigation bar, and I can't figure out how to make it so that you can add pages to this "popup menu".

Will I have to install a plugin, (and if so, can someone recommend one?) or is there a way to do this natively do this?

The way I've got it set up is that the menu is in the li's like so:
<ul class="submenu">
<li>Home #1</li>
<li>Home #2</li>

Messages In This Thread
How can I make a "drop down" navigation menu in the navigation bar? - by Blue_Dragon360 - 2014-06-29, 02:49:18

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