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Events plugin
Indeed, a little documentation would make my life a little better.

It is a little strange to work with and to many questions for editing!

Also there is a little problem woth the plugin, when i delete a old date i can not go forward and back in month and i have to delete the data file and start over again.
Updated the first post in this topic with an update to this plugin. Apologies for the delay in making changes. I have only tested it in GMT time and English, on a Windows IIS box.
-- Sam
This isn't working on getsimple 3.0. It adds a BOM (Byte Order Mark) to the beginning of every page on the site (including admin pages), which creates a white bar at the top of the pages and causes the entire website to fail w3C validation.

Not sure why this is happening, as I haven't even started using the plugin yet, i just copied it into the plugin directory.
mh2292 Wrote:Not sure why this is happening, as I haven't even started using the plugin yet, i just copied it into the plugin directory.

Edit both php files included in the package, and resave them using UTF without bom encoding, and that should fix the problem.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yojoe Wrote:
mh2292 Wrote:Not sure why this is happening, as I haven't even started using the plugin yet, i just copied it into the plugin directory.

Edit both php files included in the package, and resave them using UTF without bom encoding, and that should fix the problem.

Thanks! That fixed my problem.
I had the BOM encoding since there were problems with Cyrillic (and other non-latin/ANSI characters) characters being stored in the events XML file and this was an attempt to fix it. Anyone use Cyrillic able to test (from a blank install, or delete the XML file)? Whenever I save as UTF8 (without BOM) it opens as ANSI when I edit it.
-- Sam
SamWM Wrote:I had the BOM encoding since there were problems with Cyrillic (and other non-latin/ANSI characters) characters being stored in the events XML file and this was an attempt to fix it. Anyone use Cyrillic able to test (from a blank install, or delete the XML file)? Whenever I save as UTF8 (without BOM) it opens as ANSI when I edit it.

There are always problems with encoding.
Basically GS operates with utf-8 w/o bom, and by providing source files encoded with bom will create a mess.
Maybe providing two utf-8 versions, with and w/o bom, would be a good idea.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I just installed getsimple 3.0 on my test server(imac, snow leopard) and i'm having a small issue after installing events.

when i have the plugin active i can not upload files under the files tab, the button for upload is not there anymore. if i disable events uploading files work.

is this just on my server or is this an issue that appear for many?

i realy like the plugin, allthough i also have the issue with the %America/New_York %958 %2011 and that it does not display swedish characters properly.

is there any way of sorting this out?
pesegolsson Wrote:Hi!
I just installed getsimple 3.0 on my test server(imac, snow leopard) and i'm having a small issue after installing events.

when i have the plugin active i can not upload files under the files tab, the button for upload is not there anymore. if i disable events uploading files work.

is this just on my server or is this an issue that appear for many?

i realy like the plugin, allthough i also have the issue with the %America/New_York %958 %2011 and that it does not display swedish characters properly.

is there any way of sorting this out?

On approx row 145 .ckeditor(function(){} is called. The function is missing a callback so the following error is triggered: "Uncaught exception: CKEditor not yet initialized, use ckeditor() with callback."

So between {} there must be a callback function but my knowledge of CKEditor is minimal. The error is the reason why the upload button is not showing.
I'm using GetSimple3.0.

1. I get this text above my calendar list view by default.

%America/New_York %041 %2011

How do I remove it?

2. The event calendar does not let me logout. If I restart my browser it does not let me login. I can login once I delete events.php from plugins folder.

3. Even though I have events for this month, clicking on the event in the list view or from the sidebar widget
<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>
shows "no events for may 2011".
do you have an URL to check?
Or is it a local installation?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:do you have an URL to check?
Or is it a local installation?

Local install. Just getting to know Get-Simple before I decide to go live with it.

which PHP-Version is active in your local environment?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:so,

which PHP-Version is active in your local environment?
php 5.2.8
I installed (as the fix of OWS_Matthew in the 2nd post) and It works but:

I make 3 events within calendar (e.c. 17 May 2011 - 20 May 2011 - 4 Jun 2011) save them and

When I go to my index page (sidebar shows events list) into sidebar my evets appears one day before
(e.c. 16 May - 19 May - 3 Jun) so when I click on title my 'events' page oppens but I get a message

"there's no events in this date"

What's wrong ?

TEST site

which timezone did you define in the settings?
and which locale in gsconfig.php?

when you set the timezone to GMT is it ok then? Because in the 2nd post it is mentioned that it not tested with a lot of timezones ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Sorry about ... I wrote my post in report ( terribly sorry)

I use EUROPE/ATHENS GMT+2 and in gsconfig.php
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'el_GR');

I don't use my local (windows) server
I use my hosting service (somewhere in Europe I think)
some words about this plugin:

Anyway every event that I make in admin panel - in site's view appears ONE day before.
(my solution is to make all my events ONE day before Wink

I put this <?php echo events_list() ?> into my template. Although the events appear, once I press the link (title) my page opens and says "There are no events on this date

I put this <?php echo '<div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>'; ?>
in my template. Then it works (on the same page). Events details open correctly.

Because I 'd like to have 3 next event's titles in my side bar I tried this:
I put this <?php echo '<div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>'; ?> in my "event" component but if it's on the same page with details, it opens each time I click on an event.

So I put the above component in my "INDEX" page and when I click on an event, "EVENT" page opens on details
(it's not as better could be, but it's a little bit hacked solution)
Hello guys.
I use GS 3.0 and I have set Czech locale UTF 8 in gsconfig.php and CKEditor has too cs.js localization. Its same for other language with cyrylic (Slovak, Polak, etc.). For properly encoding in v Events 2.1g you must:
1. in gsconfig.php set your locale
2. convert events.php and calendar.php to UTF8 without bom
3. edit events.php and about row 720 to 727 delete all utf8_encode
4. for solve encoding in admin (calendar) delete utf8_encode on row 533 (return utf8_encode('<span class="previousmonth">.....)
5. it solve encoding in admin and in output if you save your event and you have CKEditor in other language than english

My last problem is, that I dont see any events in admin, I see all events with properly encoding in frontend but not in admin (sidebar under events and nothing in calendar). Maybee bad months and days naming if I use other locale than english, but in events.xml is used UNIX timestamp format, so I dont know where is the problem.

i'm using GS 3.0 with events2.1g, timezone is set to GMT+1 (Berlin) and locale to de_DE

The problem:

When i call the calendar in front-end instead of i.e. Mai 2011 « Juni 2011 » Juli 2011 like it should be the next month is always the same month like the already showed month Mai 2011 « Juni 2011 » Juni 2011

Also the id of the months seem to not work correctly

for April the URL looks like this http://.../kalendar?month=5&year=2011 but it shoud say month=4 right?

Last but not least if i click on an event the page takes me to exact one day earlier in calendar as it should.

I suggest all these bugs have one reason, but i just can't figure it out.... If someone could help me i'd be very lucky
Anyone working on this? would be a really useful plugin.
I have been able to fix the weird %timezone %434 %2011 bug - it was a usage of date() where strftime() should have been used. However I now have a different problem.

let me know if you find any other problems.

removed UTF8 bom
Just tried your version HET2. I am using getsimple v3.0 and still got problems with events not showing frontend in calendar and cant go forward in months there. Also not seeing the events in admin mode. Tongue
I just downloaded the events plugin from the extend, uploaded it to my working GS 3-version and after that I could not log in in GS

I tested with 2 installations, both times I could not login
when I deleted the plugin files from the server I could login again

what is this?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I am trying to debug the issues with storing and retrieving the events... there is some code that should set the date to midnight UTC time (keeping times as separate attributes in the xml, to simplify queries), but it doesn't seem to. In fact, the time displayed is different depending on if you are in the admin panel or on the actual events page. Simple test is to add the following after `set to midnight` in the `events_preload` function
echo date("r", $events_calendar_date);
Assuming London/Europe is set as the time zone, I get Mon, 25 Jul 2011 20:00:00 -0400 on the events page (which is the servers time zone) and Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:00:00 +0100 in the admin panel. I want to then convert these to a UTC date for storing and querying, then just use strftime for display purposes
-- Sam

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