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The Simpsons Fan Site
Converted a personal website of mine to getsimple.
So far it is working very well and simplified a lot of regular maintenance and additions.

It includes a front end user system hooked in with paypal as well. Let me know if anyone would be interested in this feature as a plugin.
nice site... love the simpsons!

I would love a copy of the paypal code/plugin. thanks!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

your site has no charset defined and so I get strange characters with this part for example:
Quote:[7G03] <a href="">Homer's Odyssey</a></strong> - -
Homer: “Oh no! What have I done? I smashed open my little boy's piggy bank, and for what? A few measly cents, not even enough to buy one beer. Wait a minute, lemme count and make sure... not even close.”

Is it legally ok to use the characters? I once wanted to use one of these cartoons as well, but the laws are very strict in Germany ..

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:Mikeh,

your site has no charset defined and so I get strange characters with this part for example:
Quote:[7G03] <a href="">Homer's Odyssey</a></strong> - -
Homer: “Oh no! What have I done? I smashed open my little boy's piggy bank, and for what? A few measly cents, not even enough to buy one beer. Wait a minute, lemme count and make sure... not even close.”

Is it legally ok to use the characters? I once wanted to use one of these cartoons as well, but the laws are very strict in Germany ..

Cheers, Connie

Thanks for the heads up! I'll define the charset..

In terms of legality, to be honest I am really not too sure.. It is not a for profit website (income does not even cover server costs), so I would assume using character images themselves is legal since there is a disclaimer stating the owners on the bottom of every page.

In terms of the videos, that is borderline.. I am sure you know of the "All videos are hosted on third party websites, we are just linking to the videos as any video indexing site would" stance..

I have had the website online for years now without problems.
ccagle8 Wrote:nice site... love the simpsons!

I would love a copy of the paypal code/plugin. thanks!

I got pretty far on converting it to a plugin. I posted it in the Scripts section of the forum. Link To Plugin .

It is just the start. I want some feedback and suggestions before I go any further (Also, Right now the paypal part is not added in).
a nice cartoon and a nice site
Nice Site. Noticed no generator identity information - how did you remove it? When I removed my <?php get_header(); ?> code, some plugins stopped working ie. social plugin, image gallery. How could this be solved?
I edited the core to achieve. I can instruct you what files to edit if you would like.
Please could you! Bear in mind I am a noobie. I appreciate the assistance.
no need to hack the core...simply put this in functions.php in your theme folder:

* Replace get_header - to have some control over the header output.

function my_get_header($full=true) {
    global $metad;
    global $title;
    global $content;
    if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        $description = trim(mb_substr(strip_tags(strip_decode($content)), 0, 160));
    } else {
        $description = trim(substr(strip_tags(strip_decode($content)), 0, 160));
    if ($metad != '') {
        $description = get_page_meta_desc(FALSE);
    } else {
        $description = str_replace('"','', $description);
        $description = str_replace("'",'', $description);
        $description = preg_replace('/\n/', " ", $description);
        $description = preg_replace('/\r/', " ", $description);
        $description = preg_replace('/\t/', " ", $description);
        $description = preg_replace('/ +/', " ", $description);
    $keywords = get_page_meta_keywords(FALSE);
    echo '<meta name="description" content="'.get_page_meta_desc(false).'" />'."\n\t";
    echo '<meta name="keywords" content="'.get_page_meta_keywords(false).'" />'."\n\t";
    if ($full) {
        //echo '<meta name="generator" content="'. $site_full_name .'" />'."\n\t";
        echo '<link rel="canonical" href="'. get_page_url(true) .'" />'."\n";

then in your theme, replace get_header with my_get_header

you can see that the generator line is commented out; you can also replace that with something else if need be, instead of commenting out...

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