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Items Manager - ver: 1.4
Hmm... I just logged out of the admin panel and now I don't have a login page to log back in with, so it looks like I'll need to do another clean install anyway.

I'll have to come back to this another time now as I'm trying to fit this around my day job. Thanks again grs84pl for your help (and also daniel, for the heads-up about the php tag!)
I can only use the plugIn, if Fancy URL is activated. Otherwise 404 will occur.


Edit: sorry, I didn't write in english quiite a while... had to fix the "germanish"

I did some further testing. Got hooked on n00dles101's reply. The returnID isn't in the 3.0 but in the current Beta (tested with current version: 3.1B r533).
grs84pl Wrote:BTW.
i've create 4 Items and hide third, for now, everything works fine.

Should a hidden item be visible if e.g. someone saved the address in a bookmark...

For example: I can see the hidden third item of your list:
theNo Wrote:Should a hidden item be visible if e.g. someone saved the address in a bookmark...

For example: I can see the hidden third item of your list:

I know about this, but it did not bother me, so I leave it that way.
If somehow I'll manage to integrate this plugin with sitemap (so evry item is a new page) I will make this "hiide" option equal to "private page" in regulary pages.

But if it really bothers You I can write one "if", and tell You where to paste code so when page is hidden or dosn't exist, you get notice and link to list of all items.
grs84pl Wrote:
theNo Wrote:Should a hidden item be visible if e.g. someone saved the address in a bookmark...

For example: I can see the hidden third item of your list:

I know about this, but it did not bother me, so I leave it that way.
If somehow I'll manage to integrate this plugin with sitemap (so evry item is a new page) I will make this "hiide" option equal to "private page" in regulary pages.

But if it really bothers You I can write one "if", and tell You where to paste code so when page is hidden or dosn't exist, you get notice and link to list of all items.

"if"... well that's the best way to put it. I thought about it, it would be easy, with a getter hidden "attribute", so a simple "get_item_is_hidden" OR die could be implemented in the template php.

A bigger issue might be, that the navigation seems to work incorrect when fancy URL is turned of.

Edit: once again... I removed some 'germanish'
theNo Wrote:A bigger issue might be, that the navigation seems to work incorrect when fancy URL is turned of. - has fancyURL's turned off & works fine. - has fancyURL's turned on & also works fine.
(both GS 3.0 & .htaccess not modyfied )

about "private" i think it will be done soon. I need integrate with sitemap generation quick and there is checking if site is private.
@theNo, sorry about that forgot to state in was for 3.1 only...
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:@theNo, sorry about that forgot to state in was for 3.1 only...

@n00dles101: no problem. Was easy to find.

grs84pl - has fancyURL's turned off & works fine. - has fancyURL's turned on & also works fine.
(both GS 3.0 & .htaccess not modyfied )

@grs84pl: well, than I need to do some more detailed testing... something about the item-list is not working, as soon as I use the configuration without fancy URL... fixed it for me, by altering the following functions in the display-items.php

function im_list_categories() {  
global $SITEURL, $item_file_url;
        $category_file = getXML(ITEMSFILE);
        foreach($category_file->categories->category as $the_fed)
            $category = $the_fed;
            if ($PRETTYURLS == 1) {
                $url = $SITEURL.$item_file_url."/?category=$category";
            } else {
                $url = $SITEURL."index.php?id=".$item_file_url."&category=$category";
            echo "<li><a href=\"$url\">$category</a></li>";
        if ($PRETTYURLS == 1) {
            echo '<li><a href="'.$SITEURL.$item_file_url.'/">View All Categories</a></li>';
        } else {
            echo '<li><a href="'.$SITEURL."index.php?id=".$item_file_url.'/">View All Categories</a></li>';

Note: I removed the <br>

and in the function print_search_results ($page) I replaced the line:
$url = $SITEURL.$item_file_details."/?item=$url";
if ($PRETTYURLS == 1) {
        $url = $SITEURL.$item_file_details."/?item=$url";
    } else {
        $url = $SITEURL."index.php?id=".$item_file_details."&item=$url";
isn't it only adding index.php before $item_file_url ???
I'm guessing that this is .htaccess fault.
please show your .htaccess.
grs84pl Wrote:isn't it only adding index.php before $item_file_url ???
I'm guessing that this is .htaccess fault.
please show your .htaccess.

No problem:
the .htaccess
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Options -Indexes

# blocks direct access to the XML files - they hold all the data!
<Files ~ "\.xml$">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
<Files sitemap.xml>
        Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Satisfy All

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on

# Usually it RewriteBase is just '/', but
# replace it with your subdirectory path
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]
ok. I really don't know what is the problem, maby You are working on local server or so.
on localhost I always have problems with fancyURL's

I made including items to sitemap.xml - so from now, every item is new page.
also redirect when item don't exist.

I've made dump of if You still have problem then I don't know what to do. 2.9MB
grs84pl Wrote:ok. I really don't know what is the problem, maby You are working on local server or so.
on localhost I always have problems with fancyURL's

I made including items to sitemap.xml - so from now, every item is new page.
also redirect when item don't exist.

I've made dump of if You still have problem then I don't know what to do. 2.9MB

well... it's not a localhost system, but a host, some of my clients use... maybe mod_rewrite doesn't work correctly there... that's why I tried to fix it with a clean solution.

will test your dump a.s.a.p.

Thanks a lot for your biults, your help, replies and patience!
the sitemap works great...

and I try to find a good solution for the fancyURL's problem

This plugin looks like it will be great...

only trouble i'm having is that no matter what setting I use, the items show up on the homepage...

if i could solve that problem, i could start using this and be able to offer other suggestions.
I'm using GS 3.0.

Have You check, if settings are saved poperly ?
Settings are saved in /data/other/items_manager.xml
Check <pageurl> & <detailspage>
grs84pl Wrote:Have You check, if settings are saved poperly ?
Settings are saved in /data/other/items_manager.xml
Check <pageurl> & <detailspage>

yes, all of those things are correct, but it still shows up on the homepage...
I've tried setting it to show on all of the other pages, and it still replaces the index page.
alienee2 Wrote:
grs84pl Wrote:Have You check, if settings are saved poperly ?
Settings are saved in /data/other/items_manager.xml
Check <pageurl> & <detailspage>

yes, all of those things are correct, but it still shows up on the homepage...
I've tried setting it to show on all of the other pages, and it still replaces the index page.

Ok, So I think its a problem with "define ITEMSFILE"
Probaably You got similar Notice:
Notice: Use of undefined constant ITEMSFILE - assumed 'ITEMSFILE' in /xxxx/plugins/item_manager.php

In that case try to move this definition from commons.php to items_manager.php... or oposite direction..
Thanks grs84pl for your help and suggestions, it is most appreciated!
I'm not going to pursue trying to get items manager to work on that install for the moment, since i have it somewhat working on a different install...

but now there are some new issues I'm experiencing as follows:

1.) When editing an item, if I change the title, it clones the item and adds a new item instead of changing the current item.

2.) I can't use any WYSIWYG fields, or what happens is that it seems to corrupt everything so that the title no longer displays in the backend items list, and the frontend won't display the item or the link to the item details.

So for now I can sort of get by with using long text fields and pasting in the html to the field... but it would be awesome if I could get this to work with WYSIWYG fields!

thanks again,

alienee2 Wrote:1.) When editing an item, if I change the title, it clones the item and adds a new item instead of changing the current item.

2.) I can't use any WYSIWYG fields, or what happens is that it seems to corrupt everything so that the title no longer displays in the backend items list, and the frontend won't display the item or the link to the item details.

Ad 1) I've left that, I was adding a lot of items that are very similar.. so this was quite good for me Big Grin - but that is a bug and I'm planing to deal with it.

Ad 2) It was problem with that not all fields was saved as CData.. I've fixed it in my site and some other things.. If you'll wait one day I'll prepare new package.
grs84pl Wrote:
alienee2 Wrote:1.) When editing an item, if I change the title, it clones the item and adds a new item instead of changing the current item.

2.) I can't use any WYSIWYG fields, or what happens is that it seems to corrupt everything so that the title no longer displays in the backend items list, and the frontend won't display the item or the link to the item details.

Ad 1) I've left that, I was adding a lot of items that are very similar.. so this was quite good for me Big Grin - but that is a bug and I'm planing to deal with it.

Ad 2) It was problem with that not all fields was saved as CData.. I've fixed it in my site and some other things.. If you'll wait one day I'll prepare new package.

cheers - this is going to be amazing!
Hi grs84pl -

Just wondering if you might be able to setup a new package with the latest fixes...have a project that's going live soon and using Items Manager...

main issue now for me is the WYSIWYG field issue; after extensive testing it appears that the data is definitely not being saved as CDATA, and this is messing things up, especially when the field content contains apostrophes...

if there is some fix i could do manually to get this to work right, that would be awesome...

If somethings crash that's probably that You ain't got directory /data/uploadas/items

It's dump from, so it should work.
Sorry for some polish comments and translations, got no time now to change it.

alienee2 Wrote:Hi grs84pl -

Just wondering if you might be able to setup a new package with the latest fixes...have a project that's going live soon and using Items Manager...

main issue now for me is the WYSIWYG field issue; after extensive testing it appears that the data is definitely not being saved as CDATA, and this is messing things up, especially when the field content contains apostrophes...

if there is some fix i could do manually to get this to work right, that would be awesome...

Hi grs84pl,

thanks very much for this;
I have been able to create the items with this version and the wysiwyg fields work, and the items display;

there is one remaining issue, and that is that for some reason i'm getting backslashes everywhere there is an apostrophe;

here's the page where i'm displaying the items:

lastly, this client wants to be able to order the items by one of the fields (year descending), so i was wondering how hard that would be to do..otherwise i'll come up with a way to sort on the title field with the year and then use a custom field for the title...


grs84pl Wrote:If somethings crash that's probably that You ain't got directory /data/uploadas/items

It's dump from, so it should work.
Sorry for some polish comments and translations, got no time now to change it.
alienee2 Wrote:there is one remaining issue, and that is that for some reason i'm getting backslashes everywhere there is an apostrophe;

ok, this is 'stripcslashes' problem, I'll fix it tomorow.

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