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Uploadify error 500

It's the first time I see such kind of issue in GS. While uploading a file to Upload folder I got error 500. I have been Googling around and checked the forum so I already tried gsconfig #define('GSNOUPLOADIFY', 1); option. Uncommenting that I am able to upload files but with Uploadify it is faster.. So I'm looking for any solution that would give me uploadify back.
That's weekend so I'm not able to contact tech support, and I even doubt they would help me as this is just a reseller of Hetzner (site is located on server in It's he first time I'm trying this hosting so I'm almost sure that must be something with server. Has someone any idea what can be source of the problem?

[Image: uploadifyerror.jpg]


About reseller of Hetzner, I am client of, their server is in Hetzner's server center as well, but I get support when necessary even on weekend, so maybe you try to get in contact? "Small" hoster have a very personal support sometimes

What is the file size and what is the allowed upload-filesize?

3) what file-type did you try to upload? Maybe there is a server restriction because of security risks, either in the php-configuration or the apache configuration

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Hello Connie!

I have tried both pdf and jpg files that were below 100 KB. Maximum file size is 32MB. I was able to upload file when I have switched off uploadify so I don't know what can be source of problem. I'm not programmer and I have found problem like this for the first time. I have been installing GS on many different hostings and while there where some kinds of problems on some of them (mainly due to not set PHP5 on server) I have never found somthing like this. Installing on that server was very smooth and without any troubles (every message green).

I did a search for Uploadify and found some hits where this error was described, but I found only one with a solution. It happens with Silverstripe and other applications as well

it seems to be not so uncommon, but I found only one solution at:

Quote:I got a different http error: HTTP undefined or HTTP 500. After 4 hours of searching the web, I found the answer.

It is because the server uses Mod_Security. To turn it off, add these lines to .htacess file

<Ifmodule mod_php5.c>
SecFilterEngine "off"
SecFilterScanPOST "off"

Credit: scaturan posted on

so check that. If that is the reason, please tell us and add it to the WIKI, please

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

I have found that either but this does not seems to work Sad Here's php info of the site:

I must admit my knowledge of PHP is limited to know where to put variables in template Smile

with this problem there are no variables, to test you have to edit the .htaccess file and add these lines there

please that phpinfo-file from your server, it is not good to expose this to curious people

as this problem deals with server configuration or php-configuration, I suggest you contact your hoster's support and ask them why this problem with uploadify happens in that special configuration

Cheers and good luck,


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

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