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Events plugin
I've just pushed an update to my fork of the get-simple-plugins Event plugin on github

This update fixes the rendering of events issue in admin where only a single event would render on a given day where multiple events were created. I have also read about issues related to inability to edit an event on a different day than the current day. I have not experienced this issue in my forked project.
Please feel free to let me know if you experience any problems with my forked version.

If you like the forked version, please consider a +1 reputation over on the left and please let SamWM know about it. Perhaps he will roll the forked changes into his repository.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
linden Wrote:Anyone else experienced problems with deleting or editing a posted event?

Have a look at my forked version on github:
I have not experienced this issue in my version.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
and another fix to get-simple-plugin Events plugin, fixes rendering events only on matching date scheduled selected
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
dougrdotnet Wrote:and another fix to get-simple-plugin Events plugin, fixes rendering events only on matching date scheduled selected
This worked! It fixed my issue of not being able to select dates in the admin calendar and have events for that day show up in the admin sidebar (so they can be edited). Great! Thanks Doug!
I've added issues tracker to my project fork on github. If you are using my project fork in your site and believe that you have found a bug, please log it in the issue tracker and I will look into it:
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides

i have following problem:

1. I post a event in my admin panel
2. All works
3. Also in the sidebar, but the event is one day earlier !

What had I done?
Please help Smile
SlazZe Wrote:Hi,

i have following problem:

1. I post a event in my admin panel
2. All works
3. Also in the sidebar, but the event is one day earlier !

What had I done?
Please help Smile

Sounds like the day off bug that I fixed in my version, give this patch a try:
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
don't work, the same problem.

bad Sad
SlazZe Wrote:don't work, the same problem.

bad Sad

Try and get more information from you then.
I am speaking in relation to my version on github and not the version which is available from the GetSimple plugin downloads repository.

Did you replace both events.php and the calendar.php file (located in php-helper directory)?
Create a new PHP file named server_time.php.
Add the following:
echo date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');
Place server_time.php in the root of your Web site and navigate to it in your browser (e.g. Is your server time and your time the same?
If you go to your event sidebar, speaking of client, not admin, and navigate back to November - are the dates/days correct for November? What about the calendar in admin for November, are those dates/days correct?
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
dougrdotnet Wrote:
SlazZe Wrote:don't work, the same problem.

bad Sad

Try and get more information from you then.
I am speaking in relation to my version on github and not the version which is available from the GetSimple plugin downloads repository.

Did you replace both events.php and the calendar.php file (located in php-helper directory)?
Create a new PHP file named server_time.php.
Add the following:
echo date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');
Place server_time.php in the root of your Web site and navigate to it in your browser (e.g. Is your server time and your time the same?
If you go to your event sidebar, speaking of client, not admin, and navigate back to November - are the dates/days correct for November? What about the calendar in admin for November, are those dates/days correct?

I installed the plugin downloading from ur source.

Server time and my time is the same.
In November the dates are one day earlier, but in the admin panel there's all right.
SlazZe Wrote:I installed the plugin downloading from ur source.

Server time and my time is the same.
In November the dates are one day earlier, but in the admin panel there's all right.

Okay, just to confirm, you did install both the php-helper directory with calander.php file and events.php into your server from The reason I want to confirm this is that there were fixes in calander.php (as well as events.php) that addressed the issue. The reason that the days show off in November is that is when daylight savings switches. My code addresses this by using GMT, rather than any specific timezone.
I tested on my server with setting the server default to different timezone offsets and was not able to reproduce your issue.
The only other thing I can think of is that either you are not using GetSimple CMS 3.0 or you do not have the minimum version of PHP installed (5.1) on your Web server. Please check which version of GetSimple you are using, the version is available in the admin login view. To check your php version, do the following:
Create a new php file named phpinfo.php.
Place the following code into your new file, save and upload to your server, then navigate to your new file (e.g. This will display your php installation details. Be sure to remove this file when done.
<?php phpinfo() ?>
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
dougrdotnet Wrote:
SlazZe Wrote:I installed the plugin downloading from ur source.

Server time and my time is the same.
In November the dates are one day earlier, but in the admin panel there's all right.

Okay, just to confirm, you did install both the php-helper directory with calander.php file and events.php into your server from The reason I want to confirm this is that there were fixes in calander.php (as well as events.php) that addressed the issue. The reason that the days show off in November is that is when daylight savings switches. My code addresses this by using GMT, rather than any specific timezone.
I tested on my server with setting the server default to different timezone offsets and was not able to reproduce your issue.
The only other thing I can think of is that either you are not using GetSimple CMS 3.0 or you do not have the minimum version of PHP installed (5.1) on your Web server. Please check which version of GetSimple you are using, the version is available in the admin login view. To check your php version, do the following:
Create a new php file named phpinfo.php.
Place the following code into your new file, save and upload to your server, then navigate to your new file (e.g. This will display your php installation details. Be sure to remove this file when done.
<?php phpinfo() ?>

The date in the sidebar is following:

%#d.12.2011, e.g.
So i edited the %#d to %d.
And the result is that the d is one day earlier as it should. Maybe is the problem here?

I use GS 3.0 (not beta, not earlier) and have the newest php version on the server (

Greetings and thanks for ur help Smile
SlazZe Wrote:The date in the sidebar is following:

%#d.12.2011, e.g.
So i edited the %#d to %d.
And the result is that the d is one day earlier as it should. Maybe is the problem here?

Greetings and thanks for ur help Smile

Yes, all instances of "%#d" were already changed to "%d" in my github version which was part of the original day off fix.
There are a total of 5 instances of "%#d" that need changed in events.php. I suggest that you make sure that you have successfully updated and pushed the entire version on github or you could be introducing further bugs into your instance. Again, this is not the original author's github but my maintenance release found here:
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
I don't know if anyone has suggested this feature but... is there any chance to code in a repeat option.... say daily, weekly, monthly... etc etc.

also i'm getting this

/data/other/events.xml XML Invalid - Error!

when I do a health check and I can't add any events, any ideas ...?


SelloString Network - Holding the world together since 1972!
riche Wrote:I don't know if anyone has suggested this feature but... is there any chance to code in a repeat option.... say daily, weekly, monthly... etc etc.

I think that would be a good enhancement, I will look into it after getting through the new year.

riche Wrote:/data/other/events.xml XML Invalid - Error!

when I do a health check and I can't add any events, any ideas ...?



This one I'm not sure about yet. Are you using the version available for download in the GetSimple CMS plugin repository or the one I am supporting at
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
Ok, I'll test ur newest version with %d's - hope it's going to work.

Have also another question.
How can I separate sidebar and content independently? I want to show always the same events in the sidebar, but in the content the comment of the content. Big Grin what kind of pun.

Anyway, I'd be happy, if you can help me again.
Thanks for getting back to me so quick.

I've updated my events.php and calendar.php with the code from github, it works now, and allows events to but entered, but any links on events take me to my 404 page.

example link:

Happy new year
SelloString Network - Holding the world together since 1972!
riche Wrote:example link:

Happy new year

You are welcome. That is interesting here is the way I have my settings configured to create a link with the following argument format:
I am using ?id=%slug% in the website settings Custom Permalink Structure with "Use Fancy URLs.." checked.

Happy New Year!!
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
SlazZe Wrote:How can I separate sidebar and content independently? I want to show always the same events in the sidebar, but in the content the comment of the content.

Forgive me but I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to be able to show different content than what is configured when creating the event? Or, are you asking about how to show a particular part of the event information only? If you could illustrate an example that would be helpful to me.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
The reason I don't use Use Fancy URL's is my web host (fasthosts) won't enable it Sad, but they have other features and services and a reasonable cost so the advantages outway the disadvantages

it's a pity as your events plugin is just what I need.



dougrdotnet Wrote:
riche Wrote:example link:

Happy new year

You are welcome. That is interesting here is the way I have my settings configured to create a link with the following argument format:
I am using ?id=%slug% in the website settings Custom Permalink Structure with "Use Fancy URLs.." checked.

Happy New Year!!
SelloString Network - Holding the world together since 1972!
riche Wrote:The reason I don't use Use Fancy URL's is my web host (fasthosts) won't enable it Sad, but they have other features and services and a reasonable cost so the advantages outway the disadvantages

I tested on my server and events were working fine regardless of use of pretty url setting and with no page slug. I don't believe that is the problem.
Do you have the following in your Theme's default template?
<?php if ( $_GET["id"] === "events" ) {
    echo events_list();
}; ?>
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides

1. I add a new event using admin panel.
2. The following should be stand in the sidebar:

(1) DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)
(2) DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)
(3) ...

3. The following should be stand in the content:

(1) Event Titel
DD/MM/YY - (Location)

Comment/Content descended on the event

(2) Event Titel
DD/MM/YY - (Location)

Comment/Content descended on the event

(3) ...

And so on.

And if I click on the event titles '<a>' the sidebar is still 'DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)', but the Event Title is linked to the single event using
'(1) Event Titel
DD/MM/YY - (Location)

Comment/Content descended on the event'

in the content as output.

You understand me? Smile

by the way, also a Happy new year and sorry for my very bad english Smile
I've pasted in what you've said but still no joy, which file does it reference to create the links, I see that you use

$events_base_url .= "?id=events&";

could I not just edit the events.php to include the php file it uses..?

dougrdotnet Wrote:
riche Wrote:The reason I don't use Use Fancy URL's is my web host (fasthosts) won't enable it Sad, but they have other features and services and a reasonable cost so the advantages outway the disadvantages

I tested on my server and events were working fine regardless of use of pretty url setting and with no page slug. I don't believe that is the problem.
Do you have the following in your Theme's default template?
<?php if ( $_GET["id"] === "events" ) {
    echo events_list();
}; ?>
SelloString Network - Holding the world together since 1972!
riche Wrote:I've pasted in what you've said but still no joy, which file does it reference to create the links, I see that you use

$events_base_url .= "?id=events&";

could I not just edit the events.php to include the php file it uses..?

It doesn't really reference a file, it dynamically builds a URL which in turn is a query of data from the events.xml file that uses the query parameters (e.g. key = month value = 11) of the URL. So the following: ?id=events&month=11&year=2011 says get the events for November 2011 from events.xml.

Since you are still testing and only have one event, have you tried deleting your events.xml file and then refreshing the app (use <command/ctrl> + <shift> + <R> to do a refresh with clear cache)? Then add a new event.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
I've deleted the events.xml and refreshed the cache, created 2 new events but it's still the same, it is a perplexing problem .... Sad.

dougrdotnet Wrote:
riche Wrote:I've pasted in what you've said but still no joy, which file does it reference to create the links, I see that you use

$events_base_url .= "?id=events&";

could I not just edit the events.php to include the php file it uses..?

It doesn't really reference a file, it dynamically builds a URL which in turn is a query of data from the events.xml file that uses the query parameters (e.g. key = month value = 11) of the URL. So the following: ?id=events&month=11&year=2011 says get the events for November 2011 from events.xml.

Since you are still testing and only have one event, have you tried deleting your events.xml file and then refreshing the app (use <command/ctrl> + <shift> + <R> to do a refresh with clear cache)? Then add a new event.
SelloString Network - Holding the world together since 1972!

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