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Plugin to import entries from Wordpress
Is there an easy way to import entries from Wordpress? I have been looking for a plugin that can do this but have not found any plugin for it.

And by the way, Get Simple is awesome!

I don't think there currently is a(n easy) way of doing that import. Maybe someone would code up a plugin for that, but until that happens (if at all) I recommend to manually create pages and copy-paste content.

Since you're speaking of "entries" that sounds like you have blog posts which need converting. GetSimple is a page-based system. Maybe you can recreate posts by way of the news manager plugin from extend or the available derivatives. I heard that you can create a blog with the I18N Search plugin as well.

Good luck!
Thanks for your answer!

I'm sorry but I missed writing that I use the news manager plugin. It is to import the posts to the news manager plugin I need help. Posts are text only.

I have over 1000 posts so I'd rather not copy it manually.

I'll have to wait and hope it will a plugin that can help me.

polyfragmented Wrote:Per,

I don't think there currently is a(n easy) way of doing that import. Maybe someone would code up a plugin for that, but until that happens (if at all) I recommend to manually create pages and copy-paste content.

Since you're speaking of "entries" that sounds like you have blog posts which need converting. GetSimple is a page-based system. Maybe you can recreate posts by way of the news manager plugin from extend or the available derivatives. I heard that you can create a blog with the I18N Search plugin as well.

Good luck!
Seems we need a good blog plugin (of course XML based) for GetSimple...
Since newsmanager doesn't sounds like an apropriated solution for it...
I'll look if newsmanager works, if yes I'll try to develop a conversion plugin. If not maybe I'll start working on a blog plugin for GetSimple.
ePirat Wrote:Since newsmanager doesn't sounds like an apropriated solution for it...
What is it that you don't like about it? The missing import feature?
polyfragmented Wrote:What is it that you don't like about it? The missing import feature?
Oh I never tried it so I don't know what you can do with it. I only guessed that, cause NewsManager sounds like something very simple... I'll look at it today/tonight.
polyfragmented Wrote:
ePirat Wrote:Since newsmanager doesn't sounds like an apropriated solution for it...
What is it that you don't like about it? The missing import feature?
I think the news manager would need rss, a built in commenting system, and categories.
It can be done with XML, here is an example of a blog system, which uses XML. It has categories, a comment system, but no rss.
Todo arde si le aplicas la chispa adecuada.
Hi per1120.

I have not used wordpress, but yes Joomla.
If wordpress has a database in mysql, is possible export data to xml files.
After, is easy to do a script that converts each xml file in pages of getsimple... I have done this 2 times.

Hi yurifanboy,
Do you see News and comments?:
This plugin has not rss, but in next versions will have it.

cumbe Wrote:Hi per1120.

I have not used wordpress, but yes Joomla.
If wordpress has a database in mysql, is possible export data to xml files.
After, is easy to do a script that converts each xml file in pages of getsimple... I have done this 2 times.

Hi yurifanboy,
Do you see News and comments?:
This plugin has not rss, but in next versions will have it.


It is possible to export the Wordpress entries to an XML file. I create the thread mostly to see if anyone solved this problem before.

If I get the time I'll try to write a script that solve my problem. If someone do it before me, I am grateful if you put up a post here.

Thanks in advance.
I am also very interested in importing wordpress blog entries into GetSimple. I would like to convert my site to GetSimple, but I have too many years of Wordpress data to do this without an import function.

Hope this happens!

out of curiosity:

what is the reason for converting a big WP-blog to GetSimple? These are different systems, WP is more complex, why do you want to change the horses?

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
(2013-01-10, 17:26:42)Connie Wrote: gkemp,

out of curiosity:

what is the reason for converting a big WP-blog to GetSimple? These are different systems, WP is more complex, why do you want to change the horses?

Cheers, Connie

I am a visual artist. WP was never the best solution for my needs, but I selected it about 10 years ago and have used it since. Over time, it has become slower and slower. I have spent time optimizing the site, reducing plugins, caching files, cleaning up the database, etc.

GetSimple is fast. I don't necessarily need most of the features of WP. But I do keep a journal (blog) as a "news" feature of my site and it is quite extensive now (10 years later). So I would like to use a simple CMS like GetSimple that uses file-based data rather than MySQL databases because this seems much faster. I have created websites for two friends on the same account and same server as my own, using GetSimple and their sites are dramatically faster than my own.

I may convert my site to GetSimple and add a link to the WP site, stripped of everything but the "news" (blog) entries, but that would leave me with two CMS's to maintain.

I looked into the possibility of hooking WP into an existing site, or in my case, a GetSimple site and found some information here:

This might be a good solution for someone with lots of WP posts who wants to move to GetSimple.
hmm, well wordpress probably has some markup in it depending on your plugins.
But I am sure someone can come up with something.

I think I have seen something in the forums for generating gs xml pages dynamically.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

please keep us informed about the transition of your site... I am curious, but my problem is a Joomla!-site, and for that one GS is too small...

transition / conversion is always a problematic step... to keep as much content as possible automatically

tell us about your process, please

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Hi all,

I'm new here, and I just wanted to add that a plugin to import from wordpress to GetSimple would be very useful for me too! And probably many other users who started with Wordpress because it's the most famous cms but then realized it was not appropriate for their use.

In my case, I'd like to move a big site (>5000 posts) from Wordpress to GetSimple. This brings a question: GetSimple is often advertised for "small websites" but is it also appropriate for large websites, knowing that all my posts are static pages? Wordpress always overloads my server and all I need really is to publish static pages, so I'd like to move to Getsimple if possible.[/align]
I do not use Wordpress anymore if you can get me some file or whatever format you can get out of wp we can see about creating a converter .
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-01-11, 19:37:02)su1 Wrote: In my case, I'd like to move a big site (>5000 posts) from Wordpress to GetSimple.

I would think 5000 posts is really not intended for GetSimple. I fear nobody here has so much posts in GS, my record is ~ 400 pages

if you want to move because of your server's performance, I would suggest to first tune WP (there are many tutorials) and maybe test other systems as well ...

Please don't take me wrong, I am absolute GS-fan, but to transport the load of a lorry with a family car might break the car..
[Image: g18.jpg]

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
(2013-01-12, 12:19:54)shawn_a Wrote: I do not use Wordpress anymore if you can get me some file or whatever format you can get out of wp we can see about creating a converter .

Thanks, apparently xml files can't be attached to replies so I uploaded it here:

It's a basic xml file with three test posts and one page. If you need something more complicated you can access a demo wordpress here , modify the blog as you like and then get the xml file in Tools > Export.

Connie Wrote:I would think 5000 posts is really not intended for GetSimple. I fear nobody here has so much posts in GS, my record is ~ 400 pages.

Is there any chance you know another lightweight CMS that could handle very big sites? I've already tuned WP in every way possible, but due to the way it's coded (lots of calls to the database, calls to file index.php for each visitor/spider...) it's just impossible to reduce the load. Of course buying a dedicated server would solve the problem but I can't afford it, and I'm sure we can make better than WP in terms of limited load, especially because I don't need all its fancy features.
I cannot say I have ever done a stress test or unit test against file limits. The only problems I see, is any functions that read them all in for caching, which we could convert to chunks.

And displaying the pages in pages, which we could pagify.

There really is no theoretical limit since its filesystem limits.

GS should be able to support unlimited pages.

Now when you get in to page size, then we can discuss limits on memory an reading them in, but if its going to the web they are not going to be individually that large.

That file looks like its contains multiple pages, is that true ?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-01-13, 02:19:32)shawn_a Wrote: That file looks like its contains multiple pages, is that true ?

Yes there are three "posts" called "Hello world", "test" and "test 2", and one "page" called "Sample page".
(2013-01-13, 00:01:47)su1 Wrote: Is there any chance you know another lightweight CMS that could handle very big sites? I've already tuned WP in every way possible, but due to the way it's coded (lots of calls to the database, calls to file index.php for each visitor/spider...) it's just impossible to reduce the load.

I don't think you should look for another system, as some first checks are starting already. that shouldn't be wasted ;=)

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I endured 400 pages hands
so you have the most experience, Oleg.

My fear is that the admin area / page listing needs a new template, if you have so much pages, the pagelist-div is too narrow, too much space is wasted etc. ...

when I compare GS with another CMS, you will see what I mean:
[Image: cmsms.jpg]
and GetSimple:
[Image: gs.jpg]

with the standard admin template it will be impossible to handle all this data, at least not user-friendly ...

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
well 3.2 has a new wide template available
and 3.3 is being feature driven.

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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
sounds good!

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