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Cant delete page in the back end.
Hi Guys,

Loving the simple power of the system, this is my first build in the CMS and have run into a problem when moving my install from a temporary domain, to its LIVE domain.

Once I install GetSimple afresh on the live domain, I then copyed the entire structure of the Old temporary site into the new location, over the top. This worked pretty much fine but I have one issue that has stayed put after doing this twice.

I have an "About Us" page on the site, one of about 8 pages and for some reason 2 copies of this item are added to the Menu on the front end, and in the page listing in the back end once the copy is complete. But if i look in my FTP program and in Dreaweaver, I can only see 1 file for 'about us'. If I delete this file maually in an FTP program, then 1 "About Us" page is still listed in the backend of GetSimple not 2, and clicking on the 'X' to delete the page doent work, as it says the pages does not exist, the link to the page remains in the list in the backend too.

Please help me!
Should I only copy some part of the Old temporary site over the top, or is there something I am missing?

can you make changes to both "about" files/pages? Everything that is shown on the backend are the .xml files of /data/pages/ Maybe it's a hidden file??
- Chris
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Hey Chris,

Thank for your help, but im not sure you have the answer sorted just yet.
I've just installed a fresh copy, then only copied across the new theme, and the pages folder in data, which is without an 'about.xml' file and there are no hidden files. An 'about' menu item is still showing up in the front and backend, with the same problem, it cannot be deleted, when you try to, its says the page does not exist (as it doesnt), but the link remains. what may be triggering this About page to be show up?

i think ive got it, the 404.xml file is the prob, ill return with more details.

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