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Now available in Extend:

One, two and three col templates, a lot of extra styling and options. I am hoping to have full instructions for beginners on the demo here

A handsome theme. wish I could say I made it, but I only converted it for GS.
Going to have some awsome instructions to go with this theme - how to adapt it for galleries, blogs etc. Also experimenting with using Jason's Simple Input Tabs Plugin to handle the six content areas. I might add a tabbed template so that there is no need to make components or extra pages.

The demo/instructions pages are incomplete but they will be here:
Version 1.1 includes three page templates set up for use with the Simple Input Tabs Plugin. This plugin enables easy editing of multiple content areas.
I have used your theme, and modified a bit. However, I am now encountering a conflict with javascript for the i18N Gallery plugin. When the slideshow is set to autostart, the page loads, but gets stuck at the "loading" icon and a message pops up saying the script has stopped responding here:

The i18n Gallery works with my other themes installed. And I believed it worked with your theme originally. I cannot find what conflict has arisen and whether it is a CSS or javascript conflict.

Any advice on how to hunt it down is appreciated.
Sorry I know nothing about javascript or the plugin so I won't be able to help much. I see I am getting a few errors in validation so I should go through them in the week and fix what I can. Also I was going to try to put a slideshow in the header for my demo site so we will see how I get on, but it may be several days
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm trying to piece together a comprehensive site by plugging in lot's of plugins and varying themes. Each has their pros and cons. For example, I'd like to have a responsive theme (to support all platforms), but then I end up with conflicts.

Thank you for the quick response. I hope I can find the conflict because I like the fact that your theme allows all areas of content to be managed in one place. This is important for end users not getting too confused and having to know about hooks, components, etc.

(2012-12-31, 06:27:44)Timbow Wrote: Sorry I know nothing about javascript or the plugin so I won't be able to help much. I see I am getting a few errors in validation so I should go through them in the week and fix what I can. Also I was going to try to put a slideshow in the header for my demo site so we will see how I get on, but it may be several days

I have been using Unbound Theme as a structure on my new webpages. I don't know much about PHP code, and I'd like to change the name text of page (presented on top of the front picture) from black color to yellow. Is that possible?

If it is, could you advice?

Thanks a lot in advance,

(2013-01-28, 20:47:50)Mamo Wrote: ... I'd like to change the name text of page (presented on top of the front picture) from black color to yellow. ...

The file style.css : Backup then open it in a text editor (or in the GS Theme Editor) Around line 275 you will find
#header-wrap h1#logo-text a {
    position: absolute;
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    font: normal 62px Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
    letter-spacing: -1.5px;
    color: #070000;
    text-decoration: none;
    /* change the values of top and left to adjust the position of the logo*/
    top: 135px; left: 48px;    
Change the colour declaration to

Below it you will find the selector
#header-wrap p#intro
followed by the declarations for the small tag-line text under the logo text - you might want to change the colour there too. HTH

Thanks a lot for your help - I'll try this.



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