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News Manager
(2012-12-20, 23:18:20)D.O. Wrote: Okay Carlos, I am gonna zip them.

I received your PM.

Post slugs (just like GS normal pages) must only have characters: 0-9 a-z - _

Yours has "%E3%A8", I suppose that because you edited the slug (or the file?) to insert an "è".

To fix this, you can:

- rename the post(s) xml files to remove those "%" characters, leaving only allowed ones (see above).
- use NM to create a new post. The post index (data/other/posts.xml) will be refreshed then.

Now you should be able to delete the renamed posts.

I'll do some tests and fix this for another updated version.

(2012-12-19, 13:12:48)bhwebco Wrote: I just started using plain GS pages and the 18n search to list a blog page
would love to create a standardized news blog plugin that stored all of its data the same way pages are stored.

Heh, I had started working on something like that (indeed I am using I18N Search for my personal site's small blog), but for several reasons right now something like NM is more convenient to me.

There's also a blog plugin that uses normal GS pages: Pages & Comments

Minimum SEO with News Manager (and probably other plugins not using normal GS pages for posts, items...) right now requires:

- changing your templates' get_header() to get_header(false).
This way your site won't have the canonical meta tag (all posts have the same canonical url, that of the news page)

- better not having a root sitemap.xml file (GS sitemap hooks are broken since GS 3.1, NM cannot insert its posts in the Sitemap). Install the Remove Sitemap plugin so that it is deleted once is generated.
(This will not be necessary in the future GS 3.2)

- Using something for having the post title in the <title> tag, like this.
(I intend to stuff some function for this to the updated NM, but I may do it with an addon plugin for now)

If you don't do this, your posts may not be indexed by search engines.
Hi Carlos,
thanks for your interesting and your tips.
Tho I suppose that the problem is bigger than our immagination, at least for italian "GetSimplers" like me.
Basically I always avoid to type "weird" titles but ....
If I type "è" the results is something like what you noticed so I tried to avoid it and I tried with e' but the result is almost the same... sadly we italian Getsimplers can't type only "e" because it means "and" and not "is". Anyway I confide in your help.
Thanks, Danke, Gracias, Grazie!

(2012-12-21, 04:19:59)Carlos Wrote: [quote='D.O.' pid='31312' dateline='1356009500']
Okay Carlos, I am gonna zip them.

I received your PM.

Post slugs (just like GS normal pages) must only have characters: 0-9 a-z - _

Yours has "%E3%A8", I suppose that because you edited the slug (or the file?) to insert an "è".

To fix this, you can:

- rename the post(s) xml files to remove those "%" characters, leaving only allowed ones (see above).
- use NM to create a new post. The post index (data/other/posts.xml) will be refreshed then.

Now you should be able to delete the renamed posts.

I'll do some tests and fix this for another updated version.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
(2012-12-21, 19:44:25)D.O. Wrote: Tho I suppose that the problem is bigger than our immagination, at least for italian "GetSimplers" like me.
Basically I always avoid to type "weird" titles but ....
If I type "è" the results is something like what you noticed so I tried to avoid it and I tried with e' but the result is almost the same... sadly we italian Getsimplers can't type only "e" because it means "and" and not "is".

I'm Spanish so I also use non US-ASCII characters like áéíóúñ. There's no problem in using those in post titles. It's the post slug (url id and filename) where you cannot use them. But anyway if you use a title like "Hola, qué tal", the slug (if left empty) would then be hola-que-tal (é is converted to e) after saving the post.

I did some tests with with old NM 2.2.4 and I cannot reproduce your problems, even trying to insert characters like è in the slug (which are correctly converted to e)

So I don't understand what's happenning. Did you rename the post file? Uploaded them via ftp? When you create or edit the post using NM's admin panel you should have no trouble.

PS: I suggest you edit your last post to remove those unquoted quotes :-)
At this point, I think I really need your help.
If I title a post ""àààà" the relative xmla file will be titled %E3%A0%E3%A0%E3%A0%E3%A0%E3%A0.xml ........
Then when I try to delete a normal post
this is what says "Error: Unable to delete the post. CHMOD 777 the folders /data, /backups and their sub-folders and retry."
Shouild set something in my gsconfig.php?
I am gonna send it in PM. Thanks for your help.

(2012-12-21, 23:05:44)Carlos Wrote:
(2012-12-21, 19:44:25)D.O. Wrote: Tho I suppose that the problem is bigger than our immagination, at least for italian "GetSimplers" like me.
Basically I always avoid to type "weird" titles but ....
If I type "è" the results is something like what you noticed so I tried to avoid it and I tried with e' but the result is almost the same... sadly we italian Getsimplers can't type only "e" because it means "and" and not "is".

I'm Spanish so I also use non US-ASCII characters like áéíóúñ. There's no problem in using those in post titles. It's the post slug (url id and filename) where you cannot use them. But anyway if you use a title like "Hola, qué tal", the slug (if left empty) would then be hola-que-tal (é is converted to e) after saving the post.

I did some tests with with old NM 2.2.4 and I cannot reproduce your problems, even trying to insert characters like è in the slug (which are correctly converted to e)

So I don't understand what's happenning. Did you rename the post file? Uploaded them via ftp? When you create or edit the post using NM's admin panel you should have no trouble.

PS: I suggest you edit your last post to remove those unquoted quotes :-)
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Ok... I found it.

Your server does not have function mb_convert_encoding
You must have this same problem with GetSimple pages, it's not News Manager only.

PHP version? (see in GS admin -> support -> health check)
So it seems GS has trouble creating slugs if your server does not have the multibyte extension (mb_* functions) and you use non US-ASCII latin characters (á, è, ...) in your page titles. This also affects News Manager posts because it uses GS's own functions to create the post slug.

This is a patch to fix this issue (until a new GS release does):

Edit /admin/inc/basic.php, find this (around line 62):
PHP Code:
function to7bit($text,$from_enc="UTF-8") {
        if (
function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
$text mb_convert_encoding($text,'HTML-ENTITIES',$from_enc);

Just after that, in line 66, insert this:

PHP Code:
$text htmlspecialchars_decode(utf8_decode(htmlentities($textENT_COMPAT'utf-8'false))); 

...just before this:

PHP Code:
$text preg_replace

Now you should be able to use a title like Déjà vu, and the page slug will be deja-vu (and saved as deja-vu.xml, not as d%C3%A9j%C3%A0-vu.xml).

(Ref: )
You are a genius, you fixed a very important bug. I tried and work for in the normal pages. GS staff has to add your "patch" in the next realease and they will do it! Now I am gonna try with NM. Wish me good Luck and thanks again. Get ready for my next reply :-P
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Not a genius at all... :-)

Another possibility, if you prefer not patching GetSimple's core, is using this plugin I just created for Romanic languages (es, it, fr, pt...)
Oh good to know, well I already did it and it works fine... sadly the with NM is still there... but I am trying to understand... I got a clue and surely you will fix it!

(2012-12-23, 20:07:30)Carlos Wrote: Not a genius at all... :-)

Another possibility, if you prefer not patching GetSimple's core, is using this plugin I just created for Romanic languages (es, it, fr, pt...)
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
This will not fix existing slugs, only for new ones. If you still have post files with % characters, rename them (using ftp or whatever), then create some new post to update NM's index.
Of course! All in all it's a patch not a "varita mágica"! The old posts need to be fixed for sure, tho I checked them and they have no special characters in the slug... mmm... I have to check a couple of things and I will write you later. Ty again.

(2012-12-23, 20:26:12)Carlos Wrote: This will not fix existing slugs, only for new ones. If you still have post files with % characters, rename them (using ftp or whatever), then create some new post to update NM's index.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
I found an issue with News Manager 2.2.x and GetSimple 3.1.x when deleting posts.

In NM's admin panel, if you clic the "X" (on the right) to delete a post, a popup dialog asks for confirmation ("Delete post ...?"), then if you accept, the post is deleted and you get the message "The post has been deleted" and an "Undo" link.

Well, that's how it worked with GS 3.0. But since GS 3.1, you get the popup but NOT the message + undo. (Something has been changed in the way GS handles these things.)

This only happens in NM's main admin panel (list of posts), but not if you delete a post by first editing it, then click on the Delete link above (next to "Save post")

A temporary workaround to have this useful Undo link again could be:

edit news_manager/inc/admin.php, around line 67 you'll find this:

<a href="load.php?id=news_manager&amp;delete=<?php echo $post->slug; ?>" class="delconfirm" ...

In that line, find this string:


Remove that, only that, leaving the rest of the line like it was.

With this fix you will no longer have the popup confirmation dialog, however.

(I'm surprised no one had noticed/reported this issue...)
FYI: News Manager Title plugin (for meta <title> tag of post pages)
Hi Carlos, then I made this modification but no result...
I can't delete the posts after created them... it says:
Error: Unable to delete the post. CHMOD 777 the folders /data, /backups and their sub-folders and retry.
Well those folders are 777 and they work fine with GS

Anyway your modify works fine with NM too

<item><slug><![CDATA[questo-e-un-test-1]]></slug><title><![CDATA[Questo è un test]]></title><date><![CDATA[Tue, 01 Jan 2013 23:15:48 +0100]]></date><tags><![CDATA[]]></tags><private><![CDATA[]]></private></item>

(2012-12-29, 00:55:29)Carlos Wrote: I found an issue with News Manager 2.2.x and GetSimple 3.1.x when deleting posts.

In NM's admin panel, if you clic the "X" (on the right) to delete a post, a popup dialog asks for confirmation ("Delete post ...?"), then if you accept, the post is deleted and you get the message "The post has been deleted" and an "Undo" link.

Well, that's how it worked with GS 3.0. But since GS 3.1, you get the popup but NOT the message + undo. (Something has been changed in the way GS handles these things.)

This only happens in NM's main admin panel (list of posts), but not if you delete a post by first editing it, then click on the Delete link above (next to "Save post")

A temporary workaround to have this useful Undo link again could be:

edit news_manager/inc/admin.php, around line 67 you'll find this:

<a href="load.php?id=news_manager&amp;delete=<?php echo $post->slug; ?>" class="delconfirm" ...

In that line, find this string:


Remove that, only that, leaving the rest of the line like it was.

With this fix you will no longer have the popup confirmation dialog, however.

(I'm surprised no one had noticed/reported this issue...)
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Were you able to delete posts before this modification?
Hola Carlos and feliz año nuevo.
No hermano, it was the same music but I thought that error message was because of the latin characters.
Well, I want to give you more information as possible: my site is hosted on a Aruba Server (, it is a Microsoft-IIS/7.5
I will stick around.

(2013-01-02, 19:05:51)Carlos Wrote: Were you able to delete posts before this modification?
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Ah, IIS... GetSimple requires Apache. You can make GS work with other server softwares but you probably have to manually adjust permissions, etc. for GS itself and some plugins' folders.

I think your \data\posts, \data\other\news_manager and \backups\posts folders should have the same RWX permissions as \data\pages for the IUSR (or similar) Windows user. Or something like that (I'm no IIS guru and have no way to check)

(BTW you should make sure files in \data\pages, \backups\pages, \data\other and \backups\other are not accesible with a browser, or else your GS site may be vulnerable)
Ciao Carlos!
Well surely Apache is its cup of coffee but my GS works great anyway and it allows me to delete, create and manipulate every kind of pages that I want.
The content of ".htaccess" file inside the folders "/data/other/news_manager" and "/data/posts" is this: "Deny from all".
Well any suggestion? Anyone can help me with these .htaccess files?

(2013-01-02, 23:43:08)Carlos Wrote: Ah, IIS... GetSimple requires Apache. You can make GS work with other server softwares but you probably have to manually adjust permissions, etc. for GS itself and some plugins' folders.

I think your \data\posts, \data\other\news_manager and \backups\posts folders should have the same RWX permissions as \data\pages for the IUSR (or similar) Windows user. Or something like that (I'm no IIS guru and have no way to check)

(BTW you should make sure files in \data\pages, \backups\pages, \data\other and \backups\other are not accesible with a browser, or else your GS site may be vulnerable)

Surfing, I have found something... is it good?
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
You may find some more info about IIS and GS in this thread:
(there may be other threads...)

Related to your problem deleting posts, I've found this other thread:
It seems some IIS servers have trouble with PHP's unlink function, which NM uses to delete post files. However it is also used by GS for deleting pages, backups, files, etc. so you should also be having problems with GS page manager (unless it's a folder permissions issue).

What PHP version do you have? (see GS health-check)
Have you tried enabling debug mode? (to see if you have any errors)
Okay Carlos,
thanks for your tips... God bless I have no problems with GS (about deleting and creating pages)... anyway this is teh result of my "Website Health Check" Page

GetSimple Version

3.1.2 - Latest version installed

Server Setup

PHP Version

5.2.14 - OK

cURL Module

Not Installed - Warning

GD Library

Installed - OK


Not Installed - Warning

SimpleXML Module

Installed - OK

Apache Mod Rewrite

Installed - OK

For more information on the required modules, visit the requirements page.

Data File Integrity Check


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK


XML Valid - OK

Directory Permissions


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK


0777 Writable - OK

.htaccess Existence


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Allow' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Allow' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


Good 'Deny' file - OK


No file - OK
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
- Checks for 'deny' and 'allow' are useless if your server is not Apache (though GS says it's ok).
- Checks for 077 permissions are useless if your server OS is Windows (same).

I think you have to check the permissions for user IUSR_machinename (or similar) in folders /data/posts and /backups/posts. That anonymous internet user must be able to write, delete, etc. Check if there's any difference between those folders and /data/pages.

Just in case you should also enable debug mode as I told you, to find out if there's some hidden error or problem.

You could also try to use a similar plugin like GS Blog and see if it you have the same problems as with NM.
Hi Carlos,
I've made the lang file fot it_IT

Here is the file.

Thanks for your plugin!


Attached Files
.php   it_IT.php (Size: 4.26 KB / Downloads: 4)
Interesting. I have analyzed it but I am not convinced: the author should fix some grammar mistakes and he could translate many other Italian words.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
(2013-01-26, 18:16:35)D.O. Wrote: Interesting. I have analyzed it but I am not convinced: the author should fix some grammar mistakes and he could translate many other Italian words.

Thank you for your feedback D.O.

I've fixed some mistakes and added two previously untranslated lines.

Hope it will work properly! Smile

Attached Files
.php   it_IT.php (Size: 4.33 KB / Downloads: 1)
Thanks to both.

@D.O. and other Italian-speaking users,
please confirm this last one is ok and I'll add it to NM (updated).

Are you "GetSimple CMS Italia"? Translators usually put their names.

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