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GetSimple Next Version
If we need a server with NGINX on it I would be happy to deploy one, that is not an issue Smile
Move everything to bootstrap!. I mean back and frontend, all .. Big Grin.
I'm going to insist on this request:

(2012-10-18, 04:02:31)Carlos Wrote: Hooks or filters that allow processing/replacing (like the content filter) the output of at least these functions:
- get_page_clean_title
- get_page_title
- get_navigation

This way, plugins could modify/replace their output without requiring the user to change tags in the template.

...and I'll add another one:

- A new hook/filter that allows plugins to change the canonical url (rendered by get_header) to include their parameters (for blog/news plugins, etc.)

Or do you think it's fine like it is, requiring the user to edit the theme?
I think this would make all this a bit easier. But if you can think of a better approach...
yes yes yes and yes
And tokenized titles
I already have a feature open for meta filters, ill make sure those are included.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
More Content Blocks Please

At the moment GS comes with two components, the sidebar and the tagline.

Could we have a lot more, maybe:


So that you can make a theme with a more elaborate layout and an inline image and it will just work when it is activated.

A New Default Theme

The next version will need a whizzy new default theme. Maybe we should have a competition? It absolutely should have an image in it. GS looks very dull without one
The idea is to have a way to let themes register their own components.
We are discussing this right now in SVN, probably making components seperate files.

A new html5, css3, responsive theme would be nice.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Sounds Good!
Hey GS devs!

I am a professional front end developer with experience of working on Wordpress and Bigcommerce based web sites. I have worked on many professional projects for same . Currently working as Front end developer for a start up where I convert designs into functional front end mockups ( including html5/css3 and some jquery ) embedded into ruby on rails architecture.

I came to know about this sweet light weight CMS while I was searching for some "light" alternatives for wordpress because as your website mentions its overkill for simple small scale websites, having said that I want to contribute into this open source project.

Here is my my portfolio website and Freelancer profile, please let me know how would that be possible?

Regarding "Feature Request", I have one:

As you might know we also have lots of online shopping applications which are so huge to maintain and manage and sometimes are overkill too if I am a simple person who just want to sell couple of CD's or may be some crafts I have created in my home on my own website as your mission says creating light weight and small websites I think it would be great to have very tiny online store functionality to just upload and sell with attached payment gateway. May be it could be achieved through a plugin or inbuilt in future versions.

Make ping Yandex
hi vats, welcome.
Get your feet wet in plugins, we are in need of some very good quality plugins.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Replying to
(2013-02-12, 06:03:26)shawn_a Wrote: to get custom titles in core, would you want a tokenized title sitewide or a per page custom title ?

Default tokenized title sidewide.
Optional (gsconfig or setting?) per page custom titles.

Some ideas:
I was disappointed to see that the editor still doesn't function correctly with IE 10 in the new version (3.2), without turning on the older-site compatibility feature. Is this a GS thing or a CK thing? It's awkward explaining to clients that even though they have a brand new site and CMS to use, the core feature they wanted (editing text) doesn't quite work correctly. And even when you do turn on the compatibility feature, the paragraph and break spacing in the editor is incorrect.

I know "I" can use a different browser to edit, but I'm not one to tell my clients what they should and shouldn't be using - it's their choice in what browser they feel most comfortable - and for most, it's still IE.


Doing a bit of research, it looks like we're using 3.6 in the latest GetSimple. 4.0 is the current CKEditor and the demo on the CK site works perfectly in IE 10. Does anyone have any experience replacing the editor? I'm sure it's more than just updating the admin/template/js/ckeditor folder (which I'm about to try)...

(2013-02-13, 04:34:25)patriotmedia Wrote: I was disappointed to see that the editor still doesn't function correctly with IE 10 in the new version (3.2), without turning on the older-site compatibility feature. Is this a GS thing or a CK thing? It's awkward explaining to clients that even though they have a brand new site and CMS to use, the core feature they wanted (editing text) doesn't quite work correctly. And even when you do turn on the compatibility feature, the paragraph and break spacing in the editor is incorrect.

I know "I" can use a different browser to edit, but I'm not one to tell my clients what they should and shouldn't be using - it's their choice in what browser they feel most comfortable - and for most, it's still IE.

@patriotmedia, the problem is with the current version of ckeditor with ie10.

The newest version of ckeditor v4 does work fine. Which will be included in the next release.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Thanks for the info! You know what's coming next though... when is that currently slated for? Just curious. Is that a part that has already been worked on - if so, any tips for me to manually upgrade myself before the next release?

(2013-02-13, 05:17:27)n00dles101 Wrote: @patriotmedia, the problem is with the current version of ckeditor with ie10.

The newest version of ckeditor v4 does work fine. Which will be included in the next release.
Just head over to github and download the master branch, it is the current development branch.
If your feeling frisky. there is even a dependancies branch with ck4 running on it, if you are really adventurous.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-02-13, 05:17:27)n00dles101 Wrote: @patriotmedia, the problem is with the current version of ckeditor with ie10.

The newest version of ckeditor v4 does work fine. Which will be included in the next release.

*Replace DIV with CKEditor on the Fly
That advanced feature is just beyond sexy!

Any chance of incorporating that while logged in as admin when viewing pages?
Something akin to how YouTube enables editing of video descriptions on the spot while logged in.
A great way to fix typos on the fly while viewing the final product.
Just an idea Tongue
I doubt we will get this in 3.3
But we are already exited to at least make a plugin to do it.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
As Innovation is the standard theme, and it has its own settings, please add Google+-URL to the theme-configuration, I am not a fan of this social media, but the settings should respect the relevant social services!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I think someone has already done that, can anyone get me the code or fork on github please.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-02-13, 18:40:17)Connie Wrote: As Innovation is the standard theme, and it has its own settings, please add Google+-URL to the theme-configuration, I am not a fan of this social media, but the settings should respect the relevant social services!
That plugin has no description, but thanks. let me know if you want to donate some changes to core.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
1. facebook
2. twitter
3. google+
4. linkedin
5. myspace
6. digg
7. delicious
8. livejournal
9. blogger
10. vkontakte - for Russia
11. odnoklassniki - for Russia
12. youtube
13. flickr
14. pinterest
15. webfont
woah, yeah we will just leave it to your theme then.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-02-13, 18:40:17)Connie Wrote: As Innovation is the standard theme, and it has its own settings, please add Google+-URL to the theme-configuration, I am not a fan of this social media, but the settings should respect the relevant social services!

I was doing this to innovation too... I'll fork it asap and edit with a link.


let me know if I screwed anything up...
I've renamed a lot of the functions so I had to do a quick job renaming everything to work with innovation.

I'll add in absolutely anything you want!

Connie I'll addin Google+ asap.

Edit 2:
Connie, it's ready.. Google+ added

also I can add all these to it too right now and more if need be?
(2013-02-14, 02:49:42)Oleg06 Wrote: 1. facebook
2. twitter
3. google+
4. linkedin
5. myspace
6. digg
7. delicious
8. livejournal
9. blogger
10. vkontakte - for Russia
11. odnoklassniki - for Russia
12. youtube
13. flickr
14. pinterest
15. webfont

The only problem I have in adding all of this is the admin cp>theme>theme options display is already getting ugly..
maybe someone can help to reformat the user input fields?
Maybe using tabs...
or maybe a selection list which adds the relevant fields selected to the form..
not sure what way to go about it...
(2013-02-06, 05:43:54)vats Wrote: Hey GS devs!

I am a professional front end developer ...
.... I want to contribute into this open source project.


Hi vats. I hope you will stay around. If you know php and wanted to start with something useful there are several small plugins which are in need of updating. p01 contact for instance is a very popular and important plugin which was made for an old version of GS and is throwing up some error messages now.

Everyone round here would be really pleased to have a new, rebuilt or even repaired contact form.

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