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Plugin Picasa Gallery
This plugin uses Ad Gallery to display Picasaweb albums.

You can set for each page the album name to display, size of the picture and size of the thumbs.

Ideas, wishes, bugs?

View Example:


- making an nice readme.pdf,
- updating the example page,
- maybe a flickr or deviantART version,
- cleaning up the zend directory,

Known Issues:

- CSS Problems when the gallery is displayed in <div id="bodycontent"></div> (any ideas why?)
Looks good.

A function to stop the text popup from covering the bottom portion of the image would be good.
Anybody using the Picasa plugin?

I can't get it to work properly. I see on the demo site that the body wrapper has class="picasa" for the main <body> tag.

The readme file mentions putting the gs-ad-picasa folder and php file in admin/plugin, but there are no plugins under /admin. Are these instructions for an earlier version of GS??
ubuntulistener Wrote:Are these instructions for an earlier version of GS??
you are correct. 2.01 moved the plugins folder to /path/to/getsimple/plugins in order to keep the folder safe when upgrading.

it probably worked great with 2.0, but there is more than liekly a path that references /admin/plugins somewhere within the plugin code.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Sorry, i hadn't the Time to test 2.01(lot of learning and work) and not realized that the plugin folder has moved.

There will be an update of the plugin in the next days.
The new Version is out on Github.

Quote:A function to stop the text popup from covering the bottom portion of the image would be good.
You mean an option to display the text outside the image or an hide/close button for the popup?
Sanddorn Wrote:The new Version is out on Github.

Quote:A function to stop the text popup from covering the bottom portion of the image would be good.
You mean an option to display the text outside the image or an hide/close button for the popup?

Yes, I've not looked at the code to check out the css etc, - just installed the plugin and tried it - noticed that the pop-up text covers the bottom portion (20 or 30 pixels) of the image. Maybe if the text/caption were to pop-up initially for 3 seconds, then again on mouse hover, or, maybe like you suggested, a disable/close button?


Nevermind..... duh!!
I can't get this plugin working on 2.01.

I was sure I had it, but I cannot get it again.

What is the file structure supposed to be?
- .htaccess
- gs-picasa-ad-galler.php

- zend Folder
- css, js, pictures

Don't forget to add head.js to your template file.
nope, still no go.

must be permissions issue or .htaccess.

As soon as I add the gs-picasa-gllery.php to my plugins folder my page editing gets messed up, and the only output in Create Page is an entry form for the page title. - no save button, no editor window, nothing.

I've tried with a fresh install of GetSimple, I've tried renaming the GetSimple folder etc etc.

Bit of a shame, it's such a nice plugin.

Maybe because GetSimple is in a sub-folder?
Try to disable(rename) the .htaccess File in /plugins.

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