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A New default GS Theme
There has been some mention elsewhere that it is time for a new default theme to replace Innovation. This is a thread for requests, suggestions, questions and discussions on that subject. There is no reason why anybody should not submit a theme for consideration. I don't think there will be any formal procedure for selection but if there is consensus in the team and among the developers that a theme is good and an improvement then it can be included in a new release.

My own thoughts:
  • It would be good to improve and update the presentation of the GS package, so yes we do need a new theme.
  • The default content, the page, sidebar and tagline could easily be updated too, maybe with images
  • To look at, the theme needs to be fairly style-neutral, but clear and smart
  • It needs to be simple to customise and alter
  • It doesn't need scripts or plugins attached to it
  • It should be up-to-date, possibly fluid or responsive
  • It should be soundly cross-browser, backward compatible and valid code
It should be modern / html5 and css3
Grid available
Several templates / eg. Masthead or hero templates

js libs welcome, modernizr, social sharing etc.

editor.css included

Well designed, modular, separation of assets, no inlining, semantic.

useful additions for plugin expansion and examples
( pager, media blocks, nav, dropdown, slider/carousel )

Original only, no templates or derivative work.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Here is a beta prototype that I have been experimenting with.
  • kept some of the familiar innov elements
  • Fluid/responsive but no grid
  • Based on std html5 Boilerplate w normalize/modernizr
Want to work on the content so a new user can do a test install then see the answers to all his questions in front of him. or

not working
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
I just got it to work and 2 things i would change is:
1. Some minimal styling for the main content + sidebar content containers (maybe some minimal styling for links, lists, headings)
2. Since the footer has a full width container i would stick it to the bottom. (It looks a bit weird with small content)
responsive but simple to understand and customize, ie. using

We can go about this 3 ways I think.

1. a contest, winner gets the footer link and some acknowledged on the site somewhere
2. Crowdsourced theme development on github etc, multiple people work on the theme.
3. I secure some funds and we pay someone. ( I would rather do this for the backend if anything )

no luck on timbows site, still timeing out.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-11-08, 00:51:52)marrco Wrote: responsive but simple to understand and customize, ie. using
I really like purecss but I wouldn't say it was particularly simple to understand or customise. But mainly I think the default theme should be super-simple and stand-alone so a user can open it up and immediately see all how it works and make a site. They can make their choice of bootstrap or skeleton or pure if they want to get advanced later.
(2013-11-08, 01:08:27)shawn_a Wrote: ...timbows site, still timeing out.

It works this side of the Atlantic. I was testing out some free space. I won't recommend it. Here is the site on some paid-for hosting:
I think it would be nice to include a multi-level navigation as well.
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
Hi Timbow this new template is not bad at all but it needs a social-networks bar and - as Matthew said - a multilevel navigation.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
get_navigation() is not multilevel.
Yeah, I am still trying to think through the full purpose of the default theme.

On the one hand it needs to be totally simple, a bare bones template that is easy to understand and alter and build on. On the other hand you might want to demonstrate some of the potential of the CMS and not give the impression that GS is only good for simple sites. Maybe a theme with several templates is needed. Maybe like CMSimple there should be bundled zips including selected plugins so you have a blogging bundle or a gallery bundle. Actually, maybe not.
A couple default themes, a barebones one and another not-so-simple would be nice.

Anyway GS has always been bundled with 2 themes (Default_Simple/Innovation and Cardinal)
This will be for 3.4.0 which should have multilevel nav.

I think my post summed it up fairly well, no advanced stuff like blogging or gallery.
A simple set of media styles should provide support for both already.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-11-13, 05:18:27)Carlos Wrote: A couple default themes, a barebones one and another not-so-simple would be nice.

Anyway GS has always been bundled with 2 themes (Default_Simple/Innovation and Cardinal)

I agree with Carlos.

One with a framework maybe, responsive etc.
Other one very basic, something like this one:

I also like the second idea of Shawn about Crowdsourced theme development. But I wonder if that would work out. Highly dependable on the amount of active themers on the project.
As far I am concerned I am totally agree with Timbow.
The look of his template is simple, positive, elegant. It vaguely reminds the first Wordpress theme.

Tip: Instead of the menu, I would insert the plugin for the social-network (lots of friends of mine asked for it) and on the sidebar, I would insert the pages menu.

Another Tip: if you don't like the social bar, you could insert a searchbar.

Lots of newbies asks for these "details" that in other CMS they found already ready.

@Carlos: Yes Bro you are right, GS has always been bundled with Innovation/Cardinal, but a third theme could be a way to enrich GetSimple.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
A feature rich theme does not have to be complicated.
But it needs to be new. New as in wha people are using these days.

Not every one wants the same old tired nav on right crappy personal blog theme.

I should be able to swap the nav to left or top or have a both.
Should be several templates one for blog or news one for media or galleries.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Okay. having read what's been said I think we could call for entries on the following basis:

An Informal Competition
  • You are invited to submit complete GS Themes for inclusion in the GS zip
  • Open to all, Enter a many as you like
  • The Team/developers will choose maybe one, maybe more than one and maybe none from the entries.
  • If you enter you can't judge.
  • You may be asked to make alterations to make it finally suitable for inclusion
  • Put your entries in Extend and announce them in the forum
  • The prize is honour and fame and if you like you can include a small, subtle image or text link
  • Date and time?
  • Original designs only please, although boilerplate code is fine.
  • Well written, clear, valid, semantic html5 will be favoured.
  • The theme should be usable as a website straight out of the box
  • You might want to provide a simple basic template which is easy alter and build on.
  • You might want to provide a template which shows certain features of the CMS or is ready for plugins.
  • You might want to address those needs in separate templates or totally separate themes or not at all
  • You can include js and images and a functions.php
  • You should include an editor.css
  • It needs to make GS look good and it needs to be up to date enough to last a year or two.
  • If you want to propose new contents (the default page, sidebar and tagline) you can, but it needs to work with any theme.

Have I missed anything out?
Fairly well covered,

For selection, I think we could also add additional templates after the fact.

But we definitely want it to include multiple templates.
I think we should draft specific requirements for some parts.

This theme will be added to core and GS will have the rights to modify that version at will, although the acknowledgement or attribution will always remain. We can work that in to the approval process or state it up front.

The theme will need to be GPL in its entirety, it is intended to be modified by the public and used as a
basis for derivative work on others themes. ( again only applies to the selected theme )
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Perhaps for Templates/widgets Required

Full Width Content


Of course another option is to just use a GPL theme, or framework and build a few templates around them.
Are there any themes out there anyone thinks might be worthy of inclusion and we can approach the author.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
* A print style sheet should be present
* It was said before that a theme/template for maintenance mode should be handy.
Good points
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Loads of good points. So many that I think we should avoid detailing specific requirements and just see what we get.
I think it's a good idea to make a sticky in Themes section with theme-feature idea's. and also such a page in the wiki.

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