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GetSimple Blog
So you can also make a new template file for certain pages and use the
<?php show_blog_category($category); ?>
directly in that template file?
(2014-05-16, 08:43:54)datiswous Wrote: So you can also make a new template file for certain pages and use the
<?php show_blog_category($category); ?>
directly in that template file?

Yes, that is correct. Doing that does not require the Dyn pages plugin.
Check out my website:
Let me qualify this question first: This installation is on a free host, but the minimum server config is met for GS installation. PHP just barely makes the bar at 5.2.17. I'm perfectly prepared to hear that the server is somehow deficient.


Complete setup
First run GS, no errors
Ensure Health Check doesn't complain
Theme is Innovation with Plugins

Add GS Blog 3.1.2
Start GS
Receive two errors in sequence
Debug mode shows same, nothing additional
[16-May-2014 13:14:28] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/a4979543/public_html/plugins/gs-blog/class/primary/Blog.php on line 151
and then
[16-May-2014 13:14:28] PHP Warning:  usort() [<a href='function.usort'>function.usort</a>]: The argument should be an array in /home/a4979543/public_html/plugins/gs-blog/class/primary/Blog.php on line 163

Here's the screenshot:

[Image: snooze01.png]
Once you installed the plugin and activated it, did you go to the new blog tab or not? If not, go there first and allow the plugin to create it required files (this will happen automatically when you go to the blog tab for the first time).

What I think is happening here (primary class Blog.php):
Line 137: $all_posts = glob(BLOGPOSTSFOLDER."/*.xml"; // returning false
Since that function is returning false:
Line 138: if(count($all_posts) < 1) // Basically if false less than 1
So instead of the listPosts() function returning false like it's supposed to if Line 138 is true, it goes to Line 142 - process the data... which then means that the foreach loop on line 151 is getting $all_posts = false instead of a array of posts that it was expecting.

I will add a check for this in the next version to prevent this from happening. In the mean time, just go to the blog tab in admin and create the required files as I said above. That should make line 137 return true instead, like it is supposed to for no posts.


Just check that /data/blog has the permission 0755, not 0644. When uploading via FTP, 0644 is commonly the default with most hosting providers. So you might also want to check that /data and /backups have 0755 permission too. Do this recursively.
Check out my website:
Attached is the shot of the screen that appears immediately after clicking the Blog tab, so it was created.

Permissions are /data/blog was 755

[Image: snooze02.png]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Hello, and thanks for the hard work on GS Blog!

I was wondering if the RSS importer will ever support formatting/images as found in a wordpress rss2 feed? The reason that I ask is that I'd like to feed my newly created GS blog with the feed of my posts on a couple of other blogs which are in wordpress. If this was possible, it would be a neat feature!

Thanks again,

It might just be because of the way the glob() function works under your version of PHP. Either way, it'll be fixed in the next version.
Edit: From the PHP Manual for glob() (so, the error could well be because of your server environment):
On some systems it is impossible to distinguish between empty match and an error.

I will look into adding that ability to the rss autoimporter. Thanks for the request.
Check out my website:
Thanks for that johnstray, and thanks for a great plugin Smile

This might not be a big deal to many who want to use with Markdown Markup, but it might be. GS Blog supplies its own HTML editor setting.

The Markdown instructions are to deactivate the HTML editor. Once done, Markdown syntax creates styled entries as expected.

When you add GS Blog, new posts have the HTML editor present. Someone wishing to use Markdown in blog posts would need to use a separate editor and export HTML for pasting in their post.

I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Markdown user but I know a few. If you say, By design, it's fine with me.

If you want more specific repro steps, I'll write it up.
what when it will be too much posts in site ? i think it should be a paggination in back-end view posts: to 25-50- 100 post or custom value.

great help @johnstray2001 with recent posts Smile thank You!
user plugin: scroll to top
I had no idea that GetSimple had a markdown editor. Can't say I've come across that anywhere, but I'll look into that. Could you point me in the direction of where to find info about that on the get-simple site?

Pagination on the back end, a good idea. I'll look into that too.
Check out my website:
Version 3.1.3 is now available on Extend.
This version includes the following changes:

Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
  • VersionCheck updated to include the ability to show What's New information on update page.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed constant 'BLOGFILE' not defined when calling rss.php.
  • Added better handling of having no posts on systems where glob() returns 'false'.
  • Fixed cache generation : Cache will not generate if there are no posts.
  • Fixed 'Delete RSS Feed' link in admin panel.
  • Update MagpieRSS to use explode() instead of the depreciated split().
  • Fixed stupid syntax mistakes. I really shouldn't code whilst tired...
Check out my website:
I had no idea that GetSimple had a markdown editor. Can't say I've come across that anywhere, but I'll look into that. Could you point me in the direction of where to find info about that on the get-simple site?[quote]

Most recent update was in Dec 2013, but does not include 3.3 as supported version. I works with 3.3.1.
Carlos also made a markdown plugin some time ago:

I only tested the other one snooze revered to which seems to work fine in 3.3.1 . I missed some sort of shortlist of Markdown syntax, so I used the wj-notepad plugin to bring an image with md-syntax.
(2014-05-19, 07:25:25)datiswous Wrote: Carlos also made a markdown plugin some time ago:

Yes but it's a bit crappy. I'm still using it sometimes but it has some issues. When I have the time I want to do another, more robust one (if no one has developed one before) - One that stores content as (encoded) html too (like GS), as opposed to csevanwell's plugin (and Zegnat's very old one which worked the same way)

(Sorry for the offtopic...)
(2014-05-19, 07:48:44)Carlos Wrote: Yes but it's a bit crappy. I'm still using it sometimes but it has some issues. When I have the time I want to do another, more robust one...
What I actually miss is a toolbar in the source view of ckeditor, or when ckeditor is not enabled. Just like it works in this forum (so you can read the code tags), but with html or (preferably) markdown instead of bbcode.
(2014-05-19, 07:25:25)datiswous Wrote: Carlos also made a markdown plugin some time ago: Ca
I only tested the other one snooze revered to which seems to work fine in 3.3.1 . I missed some sort of shortlist of Markdown syntax, so I used the wj-notepad plugin to bring an image with md-syntax.

Carlos also assumed News Manager much in the way John did for GS Blog.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over this, unless it is discovered that GS Blog is the bad guy. Huh As I mentioned, it does override the app editor setting.
(2014-05-17, 08:57:21)snooze Wrote: Attached is the shot of the screen that appears immediately after clicking the Blog tab, so it was created.

Permissions are /data/blog was 755

[Image: snooze02.png]


3.1.3 is broken in a completely different way on that wonky free hosting.

Once the plugin is activated, I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/a4979543/public_html/plugins/gs-blog/inc/common.php on line 18
(2014-05-19, 08:45:21)snooze Wrote:
(2014-05-17, 08:57:21)snooze Wrote: Attached is the shot of the screen that appears immediately after clicking the Blog tab, so it was created.

Permissions are /data/blog was 755

[Image: snooze02.png]


3.1.3 is broken in a completely different way on that wonky free hosting.

Once the plugin is activated, I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/a4979543/public_html/plugins/gs-blog/inc/common.php on line 18

If this error, change code in files /gs-blog/inc/common.php:
/* Define Constants
if(!defined(BLOGFILE)){define('BLOGFILE', 'gs-blog')};
define('BLOGSETTINGS', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_settings.xml');
define('BLOGCATEGORYFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_categories.xml');
define('BLOGRSSFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_rss.xml');
define('BLOGCACHEFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_cache.xml');
define('BLOGCUSTOMFIELDS', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_custom_fields.xml');
define('BLOGCUSTOMFIELDSFILE', 'blog_custom_fields.xml');

/* Include all the primary class files


/* Define Constants
define('BLOGFILE', 'gs-blog');
define('BLOGSETTINGS', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_settings.xml');
define('BLOGCATEGORYFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_categories.xml');
define('BLOGRSSFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_rss.xml');
define('BLOGCACHEFILE', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_cache.xml');
define('BLOGCUSTOMFIELDS', GSDATAOTHERPATH  . 'blog_custom_fields.xml');
define('BLOGCUSTOMFIELDSFILE', 'blog_custom_fields.xml');
/* Include all the primary class files
In the GS Blog Settings, these fields appear to offer the option of changing text that appears as links to next/previous actions.

Maybe I've got it wrong, but then what does it do? When I make a change, I still see << Go back to the previous page, etc.
Jano and snooze,

The PHP error occurred because of a stupid syntax error. The semi-colon at the end of the line should have been before the curly braces, not after. So,
if(!defined(BLOGFILE)){define('BLOGFILE', 'gs-blog')};
should have been
if(!defined(BLOGFILE)){define('BLOGFILE', 'gs-blog');}

I picked up on this about 10 minutes after I uploaded 3.1.3, then quickly fixed it and re-uploaded it.
A new major update version will be out shortly that has this problem fixed.

Those links refer to the "<< Older posts" and "Newer posts >>" links on the main blog page. I think I will remove those options anyway and move them to the language files where I think they should be so that they will actually change based on language.
Check out my website:
Version 3.2.0 has just been released on Extend. This version is a major update that contains a number of improvements, changes, and fixes with the most focus put onto the RSS Auto-Importer and the Admin areas. I have done my best to eliminate all stupid syntax errors this time, with significant testing across my 2 testing environments.

What's New in Version 3.2.0

Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
  • Split 'Blog Settings' page into 4 sections : Main, Customisation, Advertisement, Social.
  • Moved 'Create Post' link from side-bar to 'Manage Posts' page.
  • Moved 'Custom Fields' link from side-bar to 'Manage Posts' page.
  • Renamed 'RSS Feeds' to 'RSS Auto-Importer'.
  • Added 'Settings' button to 'RSS Auto-Importer' page.
  • 'RSS Auto-Importer' related settings are now on their own page.
  • HTML Layouts changed to match the GS Admin default layout.
  • Plugin is now compatible with the awesome 'Modern Admin' backend theme. Seriously, try it!
  • Added setting to RSS Auto-Importer to choose between getting content if available or description with link back to original article.
  • Added setting to Settings page to show/hide Post Author.
  • Added setting to Settings page for Default Post Author if none is defined. Enter 'hidden' to hide if not defined.
  • Added setting to Settings page to show/hide Category.
Front End UI Improvements:
  • Added ability to show Author's name. A default will be shown / or hidden if author not defined. These can be setup in settings.
  • Added ability to show the category the post has been saved in. Hidden if not defined.
Code Changes:
  • VersionCheck now gets it's "What's New" messages encoded and will decode them for display.
  • Download link updated in VersionCheck.
  • adminController.php has been merged into adminFunctions.php
  • displayPosts.php merged into frontEndFunctions.php
  • pageTitle.php merged into frontEndFunctions.php
  • Original 'Settings' button idea ditched along with settingsButton.php
  • Fixed yet another URL problem in ckeditor.php
  • Added new strings for 'Settings' and Sidebar buttons to en_US language file. Really need some translators here, please help?
  • RSS Auto-Importer now has the ability to search for a <content:encoded> tag in rss files, and if it exists, will fill the post with that rather than the description.
  • Fixed date localization on Windows based systems.
The future of GetSimple Blog

A security update (version 3.2.1) will follow in the next couple of days or so that will include fixes to file security and some minor visual changes in Admin.

A feature update (Version 3.2.2) will follow about a week later which will include a new feature of the RSS Auto-Importer. Thumbnail support will be added to the RSS Auto-Importer so that when posts are imported, a thumbnail will be downloaded (based on the first <img> tag of the content) then attached to the post.
Check out my website:
does not work /admin/load.php?id=gs-blog&settings=main#htaccess
in frontEndFunctions.php line 106 and 107
<?php if(($blogSettings["displayauthor"] == 'Y') && (!empty($author))) {echo '<span class="blog_post_author">'.i18n_r(BLOGFILE.'/BY').' '.$author.'</span> <span class="separator"> '.i18n_r(BLOGFILE.'/SEPARATOR').' <span>';} ?>
                    <?php if($blogSettings["displaydate"] == 'Y') {echo '<span class="blog_post_date">'.i18n_r(BLOGFILE.'/ON').' '.$date.'</span> <span class="separator">'.i18n_r(BLOGFILE.'/SEPARATOR').' <span> ';} ?>
in lang file
'SEPARATOR' => "|",
I found a couple of typos in the en_US language file, plus one string that was missing (pointed out by a PM I received).

Also, language files other than English have not had strings added to them yet because no translators have come on board yet.

I thought i18n_r() was supposed to default to en_US though, but it appears from your screenshot that it doesn't.
Check out my website:
in RSS
<p>Душа моя озарена неземной радостью, как эти чудесные весенние утра, которыми я наслаждаюсь от всего
in versionCheck.php line 127-134
<h3 class="floated" style="float:left;"><?php i18n(LANGFILE.'/VERSION_STATUS'); ?></h3>
<div class="edit-nav">
  <p class="text 1">&nbsp;
  <div class="clear"></div>
<p class="text 2"><?php i18n(LANGFILE.'/VERSION_STATUS_DESC'); ?></p>
added to the language file
'SEPARATOR' => "|",
  'CUSTOMIZE_HEADER' => "Персональные настройки",
  'RSS_SETTINGS_HEADER' => "Настройки RSS",
  'SETTINGS_RSS_DESC' => "Настройте RSS-каналы вашего блога",
  'RSS_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION' => "Содержание RSS-канала",
  'VERSION_STATUS' => "Статус версии плагина",
  'VERSION_STATUS_DESC' => "Убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию плагина GS Blog."

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